Need another word that means the same as “fortified”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “fortified” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Fortified” are: bastioned
Fortified as an Adjective
Definitions of "Fortified" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “fortified” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Denoting wine of a type to which spirits have been added so as to produce port, sherry, or a similar drink.
- (of a place) provided with defensive works as protection against attack.
- Secured with bastions or fortifications.
- Having something added to increase the strength.
- (of food) having had vitamins or other supplements added so as to increase the nutritional value.

Synonyms of "Fortified" as an adjective (1 Word)
bastioned | Having a bastion or bastions; fortified or defended with or as if with bastions. |

Usage Examples of "Fortified" as an adjective
- Fortified wine.
- Fortified breakfast cereals.
- Many fortified wines are sweet.
- A fortified manor house.

Associations of "Fortified" (30 Words)
assertive | Aggressively self-assured. Pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act. |
athletic | Relating to athletes or athletics. Athletic events. |
convinced | Having a strong belief or conviction. I am convinced the war will be over in a matter of months. |
determined | Determined or decided upon as by an authority. Helen was a determined little girl. |
emphatic | An emphatic consonant. An emphatic movement of his hand. |
entrench | Establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely. This matter entrenches on other domains. |
entrenched | (of an attitude, habit, or belief) firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained. The entrenched power of the nobility. |
firm | Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable. She will stand firm against the government s proposal. |
firmly | In a way that uses steady power or strength. We firmly believed it. |
firmness | The application of steady but not excessive power or strength. So certain were we of the firmness of our plan. |
hard | Unfortunate or hard to bear. He d been a hard worker all his life. |
hardheaded | Guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory. A hardheaded appraisal of our position. |
hardness | The property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale. People complained about the hardness of the chairs. |
might | Asking for information, especially condescendingly. You might have told me. |
rampart | Fortify or surround with or as if with a rampart. A castle with ramparts and a moat. |
rigidity | Unwillingness to be adaptable in outlook, belief, or response. The rigidity of the school system. |
rigidness | The physical property of being stiff and resisting bending. |
rigor | The quality of being valid and rigorous. The rigors of boot camp. |
rigorous | Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures. Rigorous discipline. |
rigour | The quality of being valid and rigorous. The full rigour of the law. |
securely | In a manner free from fear or risk. She held the child securely. |
solidly | In a way that is physically strong. Fleetwood batted solidly if unspectacularly. |
stalwart | A person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt. He was of stalwart build. |
stiffness | The quality of being firm and difficult to bend or move. A charming host without any touch of stiffness or pomposity. |
stoutly | In a resolute manner. He stoutly maintained his innocence. |
strong | Having a strong physiological or chemical effect. The company was in a strong position to negotiate a deal. |
strongly | To a great degree or extent. The rebel movement strongly denied responsibility for the attack. |
sturdy | (of a person or their body) strongly and solidly built. He had a sturdy muscular physique. |
tightly | Securely fixed or fastened. Public companies are tightly regulated. |
unshaken | Unshaken in purpose. Their trust in him remained unshaken. |