FREE WILL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FREE WILL?

Need another word that means the same as “free will”? Find 30 related words for “free will” in this overview.

Associations of "Free will" (30 Words)

autonomousDenoting or performed by a device capable of operating without direct human control.
The spread of autonomous robotic weaponry.
complimentaryExpressing a compliment; praising or approving.
A complimentary bottle of wine.
discretionFreedom to act or judge on one’s own.
Local authorities should use their discretion in setting the charges.
disengageRelease from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles.
They clung together for a moment then she disengaged herself.
dislodgeKnock or force out of position.
The hoofs of their horses dislodged loose stones.
emancipateFree from slavery or servitude.
The plaintiffs had not been entirely emancipated from their father s control.
emancipationThe fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation.
The early struggle for emancipation from slavery.
footloose(of a commercial, industrial, or financial operation) unrestricted in its location or field of operations and able to respond to fluctuations in the market.
I am footloose and fancy free I can follow my job wherever it takes me.
freedomThe state of being unrestricted and able to move easily.
He was a champion of Irish freedom.
gratisGiven or done for nothing; free.
A monthly programme was issued gratis.
illimitableWithout limits in extent or size or quantity.
The illimitable human capacity for evil.
inexpensiveRelatively low in price or charging low prices.
Inexpensive family restaurants.
leewayThe amount of freedom to move or act that is available.
The leeway is only about 2.
liberateSteal (something.
Twelve months earlier Paris had been liberated.
liberationThe action of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release.
The struggle for women s liberation.
libertyThe personification of liberty as a female figure.
How did he know what she was thinking it was a liberty.
limitlessWithout end, limit, or boundary.
The limitless reaches of outer space.
looselyWithout regard to specific details or exceptions.
Cover loosely with foil and bake in a preheated oven.
loosenessA lack of strict accuracy; laxity of practice.
Misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression.
manumitFree from slavery or servitude.
Old Angus had never manumitted a single slave.
renewableA natural resource or source of energy that is not depleted by use, such as water, wind, or solar power.
A shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
separatistRelating to separatists or separatism.
Religious separatists.
unboundedSeemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent.
Unbounded enthusiasm.
unbridledNot restrained or controlled.
Unbridled lust.
unencumberedFree of encumbrance.
He needed to travel light and unencumbered.
unfetteredUnrestrained or uninhibited.
Unfettered artistic genius.
unofficialDenoting strike action not called or endorsed by the union to which the strikers belong.
He participated in an unofficial capacity.
unorganizedNot represented by or formed into a trade union.
Unorganized data.
unrestrictedAccessible to all.
Unrestricted access to both military bases.
untieCause to become loose.
She knelt to untie her laces.

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