FUSSING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FUSSING?

Need another word that means the same as “fussing”? Find 30 related words for “fussing” in this overview.

Associations of "Fussing" (30 Words)

altercationNoisy quarrel.
I had an altercation with the ticket collector.
arguePersuade someone to do or not to do (something) by giving reasons.
He argued for extra resources.
bickerArgue about petty and trivial matters.
The restless wheels whose flashing spokes bicker and burn.
brawlA rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
He ended up brawling with a lout outside his house.
bustle(of a place) be full of activity.
She bustled us into the kitchen.
busyKeep busy with.
He had been too busy to enjoy himself.
cavilRaise trivial objections.
They cavilled at the cost.
commotionCivil insurrection.
They set off firecrackers to make a lot of commotion.
confuseMake (someone) bewildered or perplexed.
The points made by the authors confuse rather than clarify the issue.
ditherMake a fuss; be agitated.
He was dithering about the election date.
dogfightArrange for an illegal dogfight.
Sergeant Smith and a colleague were in a dogfight with an enemy aircraft.
fightBe engaged in a fight carry on a fight.
The fight was on television last night.
flapMove with a flapping motion.
The bird flapped its wings.
flurryA sudden short period of activity or excitement.
There was a brief flurry of activity in the hall.
flusterBe flustered behave in a confused manner.
The main thing is not to get all in a fluster.
flutterAn act of fluttering.
There was a flutter of wings at the window.
hassleDeliberate harassment.
An election year hassle with farmers.
nitpickEngage in fussy or pedantic fault-finding.
The state is nitpicking about minor administrative matters.
pickyExacting especially about details.
They are becoming increasingly picky about where they stay.
priggishSelf-righteously moralistic and superior.
A priggish little pedant.
quarrelA reason for disagreement with a person, group, or principle.
We have no quarrel with the people of the country only with the dictator.
quibbleAn evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections.
The only quibble about this book is the price.
scuffle(of an animal or person) move (something) in a scrambling or confused manner.
A drenched woman scuffled through the doorway.
sophismA clever but false argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive.
sophistryA fallacious argument.
Trying to argue that I had benefited in any way from the disaster was pure sophistry.
spatCome down like raindrops.
Oysters spat.
squabbleA quarrel about petty points.
Family squabbles.
tussleDisorderly fighting.
The demonstrators tussled with police.
wrangleTo quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively.
The bar keeper threw them out but they continued to wrangle on down the street.

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