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GHOST: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GHOST?

Need another word that means the same as “ghost”? Find 25 synonyms and 30 related words for “ghost” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Ghost” are: touch, trace, shade, specter, spectre, spook, wraith, ghostwriter, phantom, spirit, soul, shadow, presence, hint, suggestion, impression, faint appearance, suspicion, tinge, modicum, dash, soupçon, haunt, obsess, ghostwrite

Ghost as a Noun

Definitions of "Ghost" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ghost” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else.
  • A suggestion of some quality.
  • An apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.
  • The visible disembodied soul of a dead person.
  • A mental representation of some haunting experience.
  • A slight trace or vestige of something.
  • A faint secondary image caused by a fault in an optical system, duplicate signal transmission, etc.

Synonyms of "Ghost" as a noun (22 Words)

dashA journey or period of time characterized by urgency or eager haste.
He wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer.
faint appearanceA spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
ghostwriterA writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else.
hintA slight indication.
Handy hints on saving energy in your home.
impressionAn impressionistic portrayal of a person.
Police issued an artist s impression of the attacker.
modicumA small or moderate or token amount.
His statement had a modicum of truth.
phantomDenoting a financial arrangement or transaction which has been invented for fraudulent purposes.
A phantom conspiracy.
presenceThe impressive manner or appearance of a person.
He sensed the presence of danger.
shadeAn eyeshade.
This area will be in shade for much of the day.
shadowUsed in reference to proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom.
A shadow crossed Maria s face.
soulA secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre in the 1960s and 1970s.
In the depths of her soul she knew he would betray her.
soupçonA slight but appreciable amount.
specterA ghostly appearing figure.
It aroused specters from his past.
spectreSomething widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence.
The spectre of nuclear holocaust.
spiritThe prevailing or typical quality, mood, or attitude of a person, group, or period of time.
Aviation spirit.
suggestionPersuasion formulated as a suggestion.
The power of suggestion.
suspicionBeing of a suspicious nature.
He was arrested on suspicion of murder.
tingeA pale or subdued color.
There was a faint pink tinge to the sky.
touchAn act of touching someone or something.
I only tolerated him because he was good for a touch now and then.
traceA very small quantity, especially one too small to be accurately measured.
Just a trace of a smile.
wraithA ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.
A sea breeze was sending a grey wraith of smoke up the slopes.

Usage Examples of "Ghost" as a noun

  • She gave the ghost of a smile.
  • He looked like he had seen a ghost.
  • The building is haunted by the ghost of a monk.
  • He detected a ghost of a smile on her face.
  • A ghost ship.

Ghost as a Verb

Definitions of "Ghost" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “ghost” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Move like a ghost.
  • End a personal relationship with (someone) by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.
  • Write for someone else.
  • Act as ghostwriter of (a work.
  • Haunt like a ghost; pursue.
  • Glide smoothly and effortlessly.

Synonyms of "Ghost" as a verb (3 Words)

ghostwriteWrite (material) for someone else who is the named author.
She asked him to ghostwrite her memoirs.
hauntHaunt like a ghost pursue.
He haunts street markets.
obsessBe constantly talking or worrying about something.
He was obsessed with the idea of revenge.

Usage Examples of "Ghost" as a verb

  • Being ghosted is one of the toughest ways to be dumped.
  • The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard.
  • They ghosted up the river.
  • How many books have you ghostwritten so far?
  • His memoirs were smoothly ghosted by a journalist.
  • I didn't want to ghost her, so we ended up having ‘the talk’ and it was horrible.
  • People who ghost are primarily focused on avoiding their own emotional discomfort.

Associations of "Ghost" (30 Words)

apparitionA ghostly appearing figure.
We were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us.
captivatedStrongly attracted.
cursedUsed to express annoyance or irritation.
Not a cursed drop.
demonA cruel wicked and inhuman person.
She s a demon at math.
devil(in Christian and Jewish belief) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan.
Devilled eggs.
diabolicExtremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell.
Diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils.
exorciseCompletely remove (something unpleasant) from one’s mind or memory.
An attempt to exorcise an unquiet spirit.
extrasensorySeemingly outside normal sensory channels.
fiendAn evil spirit or demon.
Britain s most notorious sex fiend.
genieAn invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals.
hauntHaunt like a ghost pursue.
Cities haunted by the shadow of cholera.
horrorA literary or film genre concerned with arousing feelings of horror.
Many have a horror of consulting a dictionary.
incorporealNot composed of matter; having no material existence.
An incorporeal spirit.
intuitionAn impression that something might be the case.
Your insights and intuitions as a native speaker are positively sought.
malevolentHaving or exerting a malignant influence.
Failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
maliciousnessFeeling a need to see others suffer.
mummy(especially in ancient Egypt) a body of a human being or animal that has been ceremonially preserved by removal of the internal organs, treatment with natron and resin, and wrapping in bandages.
The mummy of Tutankhamen.
obsessPreoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent.
I became more and more obsessed by him.
paranormalNot in accordance with scientific laws.
What seemed to be paranormal manifestations.
phantasmSomething existing in perception only.
The cart seemed to glide like a terrible phantasm.
phantomA ghost.
Seemed to hear faint phantom bells.
psychicA person considered or claiming to have psychic powers a medium.
I could sense it I must be psychic.
scaryUncannily striking or surprising.
A scary movie.
seanceA meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead, especially through the agency of a medium.
The seance was held in the medium s parlor.
soulEmotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.
Soul was politically significant during the Civil Rights movement.
specterA mental representation of some haunting experience.
It aroused specters from his past.
spectralResembling or characteristic of a phantom.
A spectral menacing face.
spiritInfuse with spirit.
As I sat alone in that corridor my spirits were low.
supernaturalManifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin such as ghosts.
A supernatural being.
wraithA wisp or faint trace of something.
A sea breeze was sending a grey wraith of smoke up the slopes.

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