GIVE RISE TO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GIVE RISE TO?

Need another word that means the same as “give rise to”? Find 30 related words for “give rise to” in this overview.

Associations of "Give rise to" (30 Words)

amortizationPayment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers.
An amortization schedule shows your payments each month and how it affects the total amount you owe.
ascend(of a road or flight of steps) slope or lead up.
We had ascended 3 000 ft.
ascentAn upward slope or path that one may walk or climb.
The first balloon ascent was in 1783.
assistanceA person or thing that is a resource that helps make something easier or possible to do.
The work was completed with the assistance of carpenters.
augmentationThe action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount.
The augmentation of the curriculum with new subjects.
bestowBestow a quality on.
Bestow an honor on someone.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
The singer had to be boosted onto the stage by a special contraption.
certificateAuthorize by certificate.
A share certificate.
compensateMake payment to compensate.
She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident.
elevateRaise in rank or condition.
The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head.
ennobleGive (someone) a noble rank or title.
They receive life baronies on appointment unless they are already ennobled.
escalatorA stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt.
exaltHeighten or intensify.
The party will continue to exalt their hero.
grantA right or privilege that has been granted.
Grant a degree.
heave(geology) a horizontal dislocation.
His shoulders heaved as he panted.
hoistMove from one place to another by lifting.
A white flag was hoisted.
increaseThe amount by which something increases.
The increase in unemployment.
incrementA regular increase in salary on an incremental scale.
Your first increment will be payable six months from your date of commencement.
inflationThe act of filling something with air.
The inflation of a balloon.
liftA wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground.
He lifted her down from the pony s back.
mountingThe action of mounting something.
He pulled the curtain rail from its mounting.
precipitateA substance precipitated from a solution.
Vesuvius precipitated its fiery destructive rage on Herculaneum.
priceAttach price labels or tickets to an item for sale.
The watches are priced at 55.
raiseRaise in rank or condition.
Raise a siege.
soarThe act of rising upward into the air.
The bird spread its wings and soared into the air.
underpinSupport with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm.
The theme of honour underpinning the two books.
upUsed as a command to a soldier or an animal to stand up and be ready to move or attack.
Up the ante.
upgradeThe property possessed by a slope or surface that rises.
I ve upgraded my computer so I can run better software.
upsurgeAn upward surge in the strength or quantity of something; an increase.
An upsurge in vandalism and violent crime.
wageCarry on (a war or campaign.
Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe.

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