Categories: GeneralSynonyms

GLITTER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GLITTER?

Need another word that means the same as “glitter”? Find 32 synonyms and 30 related words for “glitter” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Glitter” are: gleam, glint, glisten, shine, sparkle, twinkle, shimmer, glimmer, flicker, blink, wink, catch the light, flash, spangle, coruscation, glister, scintillation, glamour, excitement, thrills, attractions, appeal

Glitter as a Noun

Definitions of "Glitter" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “glitter” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • An expression of an emotion in a person's eyes.
  • A bright, shimmering reflected light.
  • Tiny pieces of sparkling material used for decoration.
  • An attractive and exciting but superficial quality.
  • The occurrence of a small flash or spark.
  • The quality of shining with a bright reflected light.

Synonyms of "Glitter" as a noun (18 Words)

appealAn application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed.
An appeal to raise money for starving children.
attractionsA characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts.
Her personality held a strange attraction for him.
blinkA reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly.
Feargal would have given her all this without a blink.
coruscationA sudden or striking display of brilliance.
Coruscations of great wit.
excitementSomething that arouses a feeling of excitement.
His face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled.
flashA newsflash.
If in any doubt use flash.
flickerAn unsteady movement of a flame or light causing rapid variations in brightness.
A flicker of a smile passed across her face.
glamourAn attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.
A glamour model.
gleamAn appearance of reflected light.
She saw a gleam of triumph in his eyes.
glimmerA slight suggestion or vague understanding.
There is one glimmer of hope for Becky.
glintA momentary flash of light.
She saw the glint of excitement in his eyes.
glistenA sparkling light reflected from something wet.
There was a glisten of perspiration across her top lip.
glisterA sparkle.
scintillationA small flash of visible or ultraviolet light emitted by fluorescence in a phosphor when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon.
Scintillations of diamond hard light.
shimmerA soft, slightly wavering light.
The shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers.
sparkleMerriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance.
He had a sparkle in his eye.
thrillsSomething that causes you to experience a sudden intense feeling or sensation.
The thrills of space travel.
twinkleA sparkle or gleam in a person’s eyes.
She looked at me with a grin and a twinkle in her eye.

Usage Examples of "Glitter" as a noun

  • He avoids the glitter of show business.
  • The blue glitter of the sea.
  • Sneakers trimmed with sequins and glitter.
  • The scathing glitter in his eyes.

Glitter as a Verb

Definitions of "Glitter" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “glitter” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Be shiny, as if wet.
  • (of eyes) shine with a particular emotion.
  • Shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light.

Synonyms of "Glitter" as a verb (14 Words)

blinkKeep back by blinking.
She blinked away her tears.
catch the lightPerceive by hearing.
flashAppear briefly.
Flash the roof.
flickerFlash intermittently.
The candle flickered.
gleamShine brightly, especially with reflected light.
Affection gleamed in her large green eyes.
glimmerShine faintly with a wavering light.
The moonlight glimmered on the lawn.
glintBe shiny, as if wet.
Her glasses glinted in the firelight.
glistenBe shiny, as if wet.
His eyes were glistening.
shimmerGive off a shimmering reflection as of silk.
The sea shimmered in the sunlight.
shineMake a surface shine.
His talent shines.
spangleDecorate with spangles.
Stars spangled the moonless sky.
sparkleEmit or produce sparks.
Her earrings sparkled as she turned her head.
twinkle(of a star or light, or a shiny object) shine with a gleam that changes constantly from bright to faint.
Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star.
winkSignal by winking.
The diamond on her finger winked in the moonlight.

Usage Examples of "Glitter" as a verb

  • Her eyes glittered with excitement.
  • The grass glittered with dew.

Associations of "Glitter" (30 Words)

beamAn oscillating shaft which transmits the vertical piston movement of a beam engine to the crank or pump.
Mission controller beam me up.
blinkTry to control or prevent tears by blinking.
Out on the marshes there was a blink of light.
The sun was bright and hot.
brightenMake or become happier and more cheerful.
Most of the country should brighten up later.
brightlyWith brightness.
Chattering brightly.
brightnessThe quality of being intelligent and quick-witted.
The brightness of a winter s day.
brilliantlyIn an extremely intelligent way.
This fight was brilliantly choreographed.
chandelierA large, decorative hanging light with branches for several light bulbs or candles.
flashA newsflash.
A shooting star flashed and was gone.
flickerShine unsteadily.
Amusement flickered briefly in his eyes.
gleamA faint or brief light, especially one reflected from something.
Affection gleamed in her large green eyes.
glimmerA slight suggestion or vague understanding.
He saw a faint glimmer of light from her window.
glintA momentary flash of light.
The glint of gold in his teeth.
glistenA sparkling light reflected from something wet.
There was a glisten of perspiration across her top lip.
glowShine intensely, as if with heat.
Make the people s hearts glow.
illuminationA condition of spiritual awareness divine illumination.
Higher levels of illumination are needed for reading.
illumineMake lighter or brighter.
He moved her lamp so that her face was illumined.
lightSwitch on an electric light.
Do you have a light.
lightenMake or become lighter in weight, pressure, or severity.
The strain had lightened.
limelightA focus of public attention.
He enjoyed being in the limelight.
lucentSoftly bright or radiant.
The moon was lucent in the background.
luminescenceThe emission of light by a substance that has not been heated, as in fluorescence and phosphorescence.
Honey fungus produces a ghostly greenish luminescence.
opalescenceThe visual property of something having a milky brightness and a play of colors from the surface.
phosphorescentEmitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous.
The phosphorescent glow of decaying wood.
radianceLight or heat as emitted or reflected by something.
The radiance of her countenance.
shimmerGive off a shimmering reflection as of silk.
The sea shimmered in the sunlight.
shineMake a surface shine.
His talent shines.
sparkProduce sparks at the point where an electric circuit is interrupted.
The ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on.
sparkleBe lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity.
Her earrings sparkled as she turned her head.
twinkleSmile so that one’s eyes sparkle.
Does a constellation twinkle more brightly than a single star.

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