Need another word that means the same as “glum”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “glum” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Glum” are: dark, dour, glowering, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sullen, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, dejected, disconsolate, dispirited, despondent, crestfallen, depressed, disappointed, disheartened, discouraged, demoralized, desolate, in low spirits, low-spirited, sad, unhappy, doleful, melancholy, miserable, woebegone, mournful, forlorn, long-faced, in the doldrums, wretched, lugubrious, sepulchral, mirthless
Glum as an Adjective
Definitions of "Glum" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “glum” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Moody and melancholic.
- Looking or feeling dejected; morose.
- Showing a brooding ill humor.
- Showing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli.

Synonyms of "Glum" as an adjective (38 Words)
crestfallen | Brought low in spirit. He came back empty handed and crestfallen. |
dark | Of a person having dark skin hair or eyes. He lives somewhere in darkest Essex. |
dejected | Sad and depressed; dispirited. Is dejected but trying to look cheerful. |
demoralized | Made less hopeful or enthusiastic. Desperate demoralized people looking for work. |
depressed | (of an object or part of an object) in a lower position, having been pushed down. Depressed by the loss of his job. |
desolate | Providing no shelter or sustenance. I suddenly felt desolate and bereft. |
despondent | Without or almost without hope. She grew more and more despondent. |
disappointed | Sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one’s hopes or expectations. Disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions. |
disconsolate | Causing dejection. A disconsolate winter landscape. |
discouraged | Lacking in resolution. The accident left others discouraged about going there. |
disheartened | Having lost determination or confidence; dispirited. The disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest. |
dispirited | Filled with melancholy and despondency. A dispirited and divided Party. |
doleful | Filled with or evoking sadness. A doleful look. |
dour | Stubbornly unyielding- T.S.Eliot. A dour self sacrificing life. |
downcast | Directed downward. Her modestly downcast eyes. |
downhearted | Discouraged; in low spirits. Fans must not be downhearted even though we lost. |
forlorn | Pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. The last forlorn attempt. |
gloomy | Depressingly dark. The gloomy forest. |
glowering | Showing a brooding ill humor. |
in low spirits | Directed or bound inward. |
in the doldrums | Holding office. |
long-faced | Having a face longer than the usual. |
low-spirited | Filled with melancholy and despondency. |
lugubrious | Excessively mournful. His face looked even more lugubrious than usual. |
melancholy | Having a feeling of melancholy sad and pensive. Growing more melancholy every hour. |
mirthless | (of a smile or laugh) lacking real amusement and typically expressing irony. He gave a short mirthless laugh. |
miserable | (of a person) habitually morose. Miserable victims of war. |
moody | Showing a brooding ill humor. Grainy film which gives a soft moody effect. |
morose | Showing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli. A morose and unsociable manner. |
mournful | Expressing sorrow. Mournful music. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad. Feeling sad because his dog had died. |
saturnine | Showing a brooding ill humor. A saturnine setting. |
sepulchral | Gloomy; dismal. Hollow sepulchral tones. |
sour | (of petroleum or natural gas) containing a relatively high proportion of sulphur. He gave her a sour look. |
sullen | Darkened by clouds. A sullen pout. |
unhappy | Causing discomfort. Unhappy caravans straggling afoot through swamps and canebrakes. |
woebegone | Sad or miserable in appearance. A woebegone old shack. |
wretched | Deserving or inciting pity. Spent a wretched night on the floor. |
Usage Examples of "Glum" as an adjective
- The princess looked glum but later cheered up.
- A glum, hopeless shrug.
Associations of "Glum" (30 Words)
ashen | Anemic looking from illness or emotion. The ashen morning sky. |
cheerless | Causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy. The corridors were ill lit and cheerless. |
curfew | The hour designated as the beginning of a curfew. To be abroad after curfew without permission was to risk punishment. |
dark | Of a person having dark skin hair or eyes. A dark secret. |
darken | Tarnish or stain. The abuse darkened the rest of their lives. |
dawn | The first light of day. The dawn of civilization. |
daybreak | The time in the morning when daylight first appears; dawn. She set off at daybreak. |
dour | Stubbornly unyielding. A hard dour humourless fanatic. |
downcast | A shaft dug in a mine for extra ventilation. You mustn t be downcast. |
dusk | Become dusk. The sky dusked and the shadows got long and hard. |
dusky | Used in names of animals with dark coloration e g dusky dolphin dusky warbler. The dusky night rides down the sky And ushers in the morn. |
evening | An evening characterized by a particular event or activity. Saturday evenings he invariably fell asleep. |
flashlight | A small portable battery-powered electric lamp. |
gloaming | Twilight; dusk. Hundreds of lights are already shimmering in the gloaming. |
gloomy | Causing dejection. Gloomy forecasts about the economy. |
gray | English radiobiologist in whose honor the gray the SI unit of energy for the absorbed dose of radiation was named 1905 1965. Gray flannel suit. |
morose | Sullen and ill-tempered. A morose and unsociable manner. |
murkiness | The quality of being cloudy. |
nightfall | The onset of night; dusk. We had to get back by nightfall. |
nocturnally | At night. |
saturnine | Showing a brooding ill humor- Bruce Bli. A saturnine setting. |
shadowy | Lacking in substance- W.A.Butler. Dim shadowy forms. |
shady | Quiet, dark, or concealed. They sprawled under a shady carob tree. |
silhouette | Project on a background such as a screen like a silhouette. We can always use a silhouette of Father Christmas. |
stygian | Hellish- Milton. |
sullen | Bad-tempered and sulky. A sullen pout. |
sunday | First day of the week; observed as a day of rest and worship by most Christians. |
swarthy | Naturally having skin of a dark color. A smile on his swarthy face. |
tenebrous | Dark and gloomy. The tenebrous spiral staircase of the self. |
twilight | Lighted by or as if by twilight Henry Fielding. He loved the twilight. |