GODSEND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GODSEND?

Need another word that means the same as “godsend”? Find 19 synonyms for “godsend” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Godsend” are: bonanza, boom, bunce, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven, windfall, boon, blessing, bonus, good thing, benefit, help, aid, advantage, gain, asset, privilege, luxury

Godsend as a Noun

Definitions of "Godsend" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “godsend” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money.
  • A very helpful or valuable event, person, or article.

Synonyms of "Godsend" as a noun (19 Words)

advantageThe quality of having a superior or more favorable position.
The experience gave him the advantage over me.
aidFinancial or material help given to a country or area in need.
She walked with the aid of a Zimmer frame.
assetA useful or valuable thing or person.
The school is an asset to the community.
benefitA performance to raise money for a charitable cause.
Enjoy the benefits of being a member.
blessingGrace said before or after a meal.
Enjoy the blessings of peace.
bonanzaA large amount of something desirable.
The festive feature film bonanza.
bonusAn extra dividend or issue paid to the shareholders of a company.
Big Christmas bonuses.
boomAny of various more-or-less horizontal spars or poles used to extend the foot of a sail or for handling cargo or in mooring.
The demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line.
boonA thing that is helpful or beneficial.
A spanking breeze is a boon to sailors.
bunceA sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money.
They can turn their hand to many jobs as long as there s a bit of bunce in it.
gainAn increase in wealth or resources.
The potential gain from rail privatization would be a more commercial railway.
gold rushCoins made of gold.
good thingThat which is pleasing or valuable or useful.
gravyA sauce made by mixing the fat and juices exuded by meat during cooking with stock and other ingredients.
helpA person or thing that helps.
A help menu.
luxuryA state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.
They actually had the luxury of a whole day together.
manna from heavenAny place of complete bliss and delight and peace.
privilege(especially in a parliamentary context) the right to say or write something without the risk of incurring punishment or legal action for defamation.
Education is a right not a privilege.
windfallA sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money.
Members are to get an average 520 cash windfall for voting yes to the merger.

Usage Examples of "Godsend" as a noun

  • These information packs are a godsend to schools.

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