GUARDS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GUARDS?

Need another word that means the same as “guards”? Find 30 related words for “guards” in this overview.

Associations of "Guards" (30 Words)

bodyguardA group of men who escort and protect some important person.
captorA person that catches or confines another.
He managed to escape from his captors two nights later.
chaperoneAccompany as a chaperone.
She chaperoned the children at all times.
convoyA collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships.
The warships convoyed the merchant ships across the Pacific.
defenceProtection from harm.
Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits.
defendProtect or fight for as a champion.
They were forced to defend for long periods.
defenseAn organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack.
A good boxer needs a good defense.
defensibleCapable of being defended.
A morally defensible penal system.
escapeEscape potentially unpleasant consequences get away with a forbidden action.
Their escape route.
guardianA person who cares for persons or property.
I am acting as guardian of my late brother s family.
guideUse as a guide.
A tour guide.
helmetA predatory mollusc with a squat heavy shell, which lives in tropical and temperate seas.
preclusivePreventing something from happening; restrictive.
No preclusive action was taken.
preventiveDesigned to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occurring.
Quinine was used as a malaria preventive.
probation(law) a way of dealing with offenders without imprisoning them; a defendant found guilty of a crime is released by the court without imprisonment subject to conditions imposed by the court.
For an initial period of probation your manager will closely monitor your progress.
protectUse tariffs to favor domestic industry.
Security products are designed to protect information from unauthorized access.
protectiveIntended or adapted to afford protection of some kind.
The use of protective masks and equipment.
protectorA person or thing that protects someone or something.
A man who became her protector adviser and friend.
safeguardMake safe.
A framework which safeguards employees from exploitation.
safelyIn a way that is not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury.
You can safely ignore that advice.
safetyThe condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
They should leave for their own safety.
secretive(of a person’s expression or manner) having an enigmatic or conspiratorial quality.
She was very secretive about her past.
securityProcedures followed or measures taken to ensure the security of a state or organization.
The head of security was a former policeman.
sentryA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
On sentry duty.
shelterProvide shelter for.
People were sheltering under store canopies and trees.
tenable(of an office, position, scholarship, etc.) able to be held or used.
Such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable.
tutelarProviding protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding.
Tutelary gods.
wardThe grooves in the bit of a key that correspond to the wards in a lock.
I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates.
watchmanA man employed to look after an empty building, especially at night.
A night watchman.

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