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HEIR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HEIR?

Need another word that means the same as “heir”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “heir” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Heir” are: heritor, inheritor, successor, heiress, heir apparent, heir presumptive, heir-at-law, descendant, beneficiary, legatee, scion

Heir as a Noun

Definitions of "Heir" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “heir” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death.
  • A person who inherits and continues the work of a predecessor.
  • A person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.
  • A person who inherits some title or office.

Synonyms of "Heir" as a noun (11 Words)

beneficiaryA person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
descendantA person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor.
House music is a descendant of disco.
heir apparentA person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.
heir presumptiveA person who inherits some title or office.
heir-at-lawThe branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do.
heiressA woman inheriting and continuing the legacy of a predecessor.
An oil heiress.
heritorA person who is entitled by law or by the terms of a will to inherit the estate of another.
inheritorA person who inherits something; an heir.
We are the inheritors of these cultural traditions.
legateeSomeone to whom a legacy is bequeathed.
His sister Alice was his principal legatee.
scionA descendent or heir.
A scion of royal stock.
successorA person who inherits some title or office.
Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school.

Usage Examples of "Heir" as a noun

  • His eldest son and heir.
  • They saw themselves as heirs of the Cubists.
  • The heir to the throne.

Associations of "Heir" (30 Words)

acquiredGotten through environmental forces.
Acquired characteristics such as a suntan or a broken nose cannot be passed on.
assetA useful or valuable quality.
Growth in net assets.
assetsAnything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company.
assignee(law) the party to whom something is assigned (e.g., someone to whom a right or property is legally transferred.
beneficiaryA person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
bequeathPass (something) on or leave (something) to someone else.
My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry.
bequestA gift of personal property by will.
A painting acquired by bequest.
birthrightA right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth.
Free public education is the birthright of every American child.
descendantsAll of the offspring of a given progenitor.
disinheritPrevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting.
The Duke is seeking to disinherit his eldest son.
dowerMoney or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage.
He was so short of money that he could not even dower his sister.
endowFurnish with an endowment.
He was endowed with tremendous physical strength.
granteeA person to whom a grant or conveyance is made.
heiressA woman inheriting and continuing the legacy of a predecessor.
She was heiress to a 32 million textile fortune.
heritageValued objects and qualities such as historic buildings and cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations.
60 miles of heritage coastline.
incorrigibleAn incorrigible person.
She s an incorrigible flirt.
incorruptibleNot subject to death or decay; everlasting.
Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society.
inheritReceive from a predecessor.
Spending commitments inherited from previous governments.
inheritance(genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents.
The inheritance of traits.
legacy(law) a gift of personal property by will.
My grandmother died and unexpectedly left me a small legacy.
patrimonyProperty inherited from one’s father or male ancestor.
Owners refuse to part with their patrimony in the interests of agricultural development.
primogenitureRight of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son.
propertyShares or investments in property.
She wanted Oliver and his property out of her flat.
proprietorshipThe state or right of owning a business or holding property.
The company was established in 1912 and is still under the proprietorship of the same family.
richesMaterial wealth.
Riches beyond their wildest dreams.
rightfulLegally valid.
They are determined to take their rightful place in a new South Africa.
seniorityA privileged position earned by reason of longer service or higher rank.
26 archbishops and bishops in order of seniority.
sonIn Christian belief the second person of the Trinity Christ.
One of Norfolk s most famous sons.
successorA person who inherits some title or office.
Schoenberg saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school.
testatorA person who has made a will or given a legacy.

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