Need another word that means the same as “hindrance”? Find 28 synonyms and 30 related words for “hindrance” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Hindrance” are: hinderance, interference, balk, baulk, check, deterrent, handicap, impediment, encumbrance, hitch, incumbrance, preventative, preventive, obstacle, barrier, bar, obstruction, block, curb, brake, hurdle, restraint, restriction, limitation, complication, delay, interruption, stoppage
Hindrance as a Noun
Definitions of "Hindrance" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “hindrance” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress.
- The act of hindering or obstructing or impeding.
- Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
- A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

Synonyms of "Hindrance" as a noun (28 Words)
balk | The area on a billiard table between the balk line and the bottom cushion within which in some circumstances a ball is protected from a direct stroke. A balk of timber. |
bar | The crossbar of a goal. Unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter. |
barrier | Anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access. The cultural barriers to economic growth. |
baulk | The area on a billiard table behind the balkline. |
block | The length of one side of a block especially as a measure of distance. Ours was the ugliest house on the block. |
brake | Any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants. A brake pedal. |
check | A textile pattern of squares or crossed lines resembling a checkerboard. There was no check to the expansion of the market. |
complication | A situation or condition that is complex or confused. To add further complication English speakers use a different name. |
curb | An edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones usually forming part of a gutter. Plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing. |
delay | The action of delaying or being delayed. A two hour delay. |
deterrent | A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something. Britain s nuclear deterrent. |
encumbrance | A mortgage or other claim on property or assets. Details of encumbrances on property. |
handicap | A race or contest in which a handicap is imposed. Not being able to drive was something of a handicap. |
hinderance | Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. |
hitch | An act of hitch hiking. Everything went without a hitch. |
hurdle | A horse race over a series of hurdles. The last hurdle before graduation. |
impediment | A hindrance or obstruction in doing something. A serious impediment to scientific progress. |
incumbrance | A charge against property (as a lien or mortgage. |
interference | (American football) blocking a player’s path with your body. An unwarranted interference with personal liberty. |
interruption | An act, utterance, or period that interrupts someone or something. Students returning to education after an interruption in their career. |
limitation | A time period after which suits cannot be brought. The limitation of local authorities powers. |
obstacle | Something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted. The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money. |
obstruction | The physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction. The tractor hit an obstruction. |
preventative | Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome. There are lots of proposed jet lag remedies and preventatives. |
preventive | A medicine or other treatment designed to prevent disease or ill health. Quinine was used as a malaria preventive. |
restraint | A measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control. He remained aggressive and required physical restraint. |
restriction | A principle that limits the extent of something. Planning restrictions on commercial development. |
stoppage | A cessation of work by employees in protest at the terms set by their employers. 6 40 an hour before stoppages. |

Usage Examples of "Hindrance" as a noun
- A hindrance to the development process.
- The visitor can wander around without hindrance.
Associations of "Hindrance" (30 Words)
barrier | A fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access. A language barrier. |
begrudge | Give reluctantly or resentfully. Nobody begrudges a single penny spent on health. |
block | Stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block. A block of flats. |
cease | Cease is a noun only in the phrase without cease end. On his retirement the job will cease to exist. |
deterrent | A nuclear weapon or weapons system regarded as deterring an enemy from attack. Cameras are a major deterrent to crime. |
difficulty | The state or condition of being difficult. Had difficulty walking. |
disrupt | Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. Flooding disrupted rail services. |
distraction | A diversion or recreation. There are plenty of distractions such as sailing. |
encumbrance | An impediment or burden. The horse raised its hind leg as if to rid itself of an encumbrance. |
hinderance | Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. |
hurdle | Jump a hurdle. A handicap hurdle. |
impediment | Any structure that makes progress difficult. A serious impediment to scientific progress. |
inconvenience | To cause inconvenience or discomfort to. The inconveniences of life in a remote city. |
incubus | A nightmare. Debt is a big incubus in developing countries. |
insuperable | (of a difficulty or obstacle) impossible to overcome. Insuperable odds. |
interference | Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome. An unwarranted interference with personal liberty. |
interposition | The action of interjecting or interposing an action or remark that interrupts. He owed the preservation of his throne to the miraculous interposition of a stranger who suddenly appeared in his realm. |
intervene | Be situated between things. Christmas intervened and the investigation was suspended. |
intervention | Action taken to improve a medical disorder. Two patients were referred for surgical intervention. |
load | Fill or place a load on. That s a load off my mind. |
lug | A projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something. Don t worry about lugging the kids to the salon with you. |
meddlesome | Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner. Heaven rid him of meddlesome politicians. |
militate | (of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing. These fundamental differences will militate against the two communities coming together. |
nuisance | (law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive. It s a nuisance having all those people clomping through the house. |
obstacle | An obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented. The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money. |
obstruction | The physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction. He was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty. |
pitfall | A covered pit for use as a trap. The pitfalls of buying goods at public auctions. |
retardation | Lack of normal development of intellectual capacities. The goals of treatment include retardation of disease progression. |
stanch | Stop the flow of a liquid. |
stutter | A tendency to stutter while speaking. She flinched as a machine gun stuttered nearby. |