Need another word that means the same as “immaculate”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “immaculate” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Immaculate” are: faultless, impeccable, incorrupted, undefiled, speckless, spic, spick, spotless, clean, pristine, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied, perfect, mint, unblemished, pure, untarnished, stainless
Immaculate as an Adjective
Definitions of "Immaculate" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “immaculate” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (in the Roman Catholic Church) free from sin.
- Completely neat and clean.
- Perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
- Free from stain or blemish.
- Uniformly coloured without spots or other marks.
- Free from flaws or mistakes; perfect.
- Without fault or error.

Synonyms of "Immaculate" as an adjective (19 Words)
clean | Ritually clean or pure. A clean sweep. |
faultless | Free from defect or error. Your logic is faultless. |
impeccable | In accordance with the highest standards; faultless. He had impeccable manners. |
incorrupted | Without fault or error. |
mint | As if new. In mint condition. |
perfect | Of a tense denoting a completed action or a state or habitual action which began in the past The perfect tense is formed in English with have or has and the past participle as in they have eaten and they have been eating present perfect they had eaten past perfect and they will have eaten future perfect. A perfect circle. |
pristine | Completely free from dirt or contamination. A pristine white shirt. |
pure | Being chromatically pure not diluted with white or grey or black. Pure as the driven snow. |
speckless | Completely neat and clean. |
spotless | Without faults or moral blemishes; pure. Spotless behaviour is seemingly the norm in his organization. |
stainless | (of a person or their reputation) free from wrongdoing or disgrace. Stainless surfaces can never mellow with use. |
unblemished | Free from physical or moral spots or stains. An unblemished professional record. |
undefiled | (of language) not having its purity or excellence debased. Learn to speak pure English undefiled. |
unsoiled | Without soil or spot or stain. She looked fresh and her uniform was unsoiled. |
unstained | Free from blemishes. An apron keeps his clothing unstained. |
unsullied | Not spoiled or made impure. An unsullied reputation. |
untarnished | Not spoiled or damaged. An untarnished reputation. |

Usage Examples of "Immaculate" as an adjective
- Timing and technique were immaculate.
- An immaculate safety record.
- An immaculate record.
- In her immaculate white uniform.
- The apartment was immaculate.
- An immaculate white suit.

Associations of "Immaculate" (30 Words)
blameless | Free of guilt; not subject to blame. He led a blameless life. |
chaste | Not having any sexual nature or intention. Chaste Classical symmetry. |
clean | Ritually clean or pure. The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm. |
cleanly | Smoothly and without difficulty; precisely and deftly. Some plain but cleanly country maid. |
essentialness | Basic importance. |
flawless | Without a flaw. Her smooth flawless skin. |
immiscible | Incapable of mixing. Benzene is immiscible with water. |
impeccable | In accordance with the highest standards; faultless. He had impeccable manners. |
innocent | Not knowledgeable about something specified. The prisoners were later found innocent. |
inviolate | (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken. An international memorial which must remain inviolate. |
limpid | Clear and bright. Writes in a limpid style. |
neatly | With neatness. Neatly folded shirts. |
perfection | The state of being without a flaw or defect. Among the key tasks was the perfection of new mechanisms of economic management. |
pristine | In its original condition; unspoilt. A pristine white shirt. |
pure | Of color being chromatically pure not diluted with white or grey or black. Pure science. |
sinless | Free from sin. The sinless life of Christ. |
spotless | Absolutely clean or pure; immaculate. Spotless behaviour is seemingly the norm in his organization. |
unadulterated | Not mixed with impurities. The unadulterated truth. |
unaffected | Free of artificiality; sincere and genuine. Fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment. |
unalloyed | (of metal) not alloyed; pure. Unalloyed copper. |
unblemished | Not damaged or marked in any way. Her body was perfectly formed and unblemished. |
uncontaminated | Free from admixture with noxious elements; clean. Uncontaminated air and food. |
unmixed | Not constituting a compound. Bold unmixed colours. |
unpainted | Not having makeup on. An unpainted house. |
unpolluted | Free from admixture with noxious elements; clean. Her mind remains unpolluted by the filth they teach her. |
unspotted | Without soil or spot or stain. The network of avian enthusiasts ensures that no rarity goes unspotted. |
unstained | Not stained. An apron keeps his clothing unstained. |
unsullied | Free from blemishes. The unsullied snow of mountains. |
untainted | Free from blemishes. The island remains virtually untainted by commercialism. |
virtuous | Having or showing high moral standards. She considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked. |