Need another word that means the same as “impressive”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “impressive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Impressive” are: telling, magnificent, majestic, imposing, splendid, spectacular, grand, august, awe-inspiring, stirring, stunning, breathtaking, admirable, accomplished, expert, skilled, skilful, masterly, consummate
Impressive as an Adjective
Definitions of "Impressive" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “impressive” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill; grand, imposing, or awesome.
- Producing a strong effect.
- Making a strong or vivid impression.

Synonyms of "Impressive" as an adjective (19 Words)
accomplished | Settled securely and unconditionally. His mission accomplished he took a vacation. |
admirable | Inspiring admiration or approval. His taste was impeccable his health admirable. |
august | Profoundly honored. Of august lineage. |
awe-inspiring | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. |
breathtaking | Astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one’s breath away. Breathtaking adventure. |
consummate | Showing great skill and flair. Consummate skill. |
expert | Having or involving a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area. He had received expert academic advice. |
grand | (of a person) of high rank and behaving in an appropriately proud or dignified way. Grand theft. |
imposing | Impressive in appearance. An imposing 17th century manor house. |
magnificent | Extremely beautiful, elaborate, or impressive. A dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains. |
majestic | Majestic in manner or bearing superior to mundane matters. His majestic presence. |
masterly | Having or revealing supreme mastery or skill. A masterly performance of the sonata. |
skilful | Having or showing skill. A skilful midfielder. |
skilled | (of work) requiring special abilities or training. Skilled legal advice. |
spectacular | Strikingly large or obvious. Spectacular mountain scenery. |
splendid | Magnificent; very impressive. A splendid fellow. |
stirring | Capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement. Stirring events such as wars and rescues. |
stunning | Causing great astonishment and consternation. A stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke. |
telling | Disclosing unintentionally. A telling gesture. |

Usage Examples of "Impressive" as an adjective
- An impressive ceremony.
- Impressive achievements in science.
- An impressive view of the mountains.
- Gave an impressive performance as Othello.

Associations of "Impressive" (30 Words)
amazing | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. She makes the most amazing cakes. |
arresting | Commanding attention. At 6 feet 6 inches he was an arresting figure. |
awesome | Extremely well; excellently. The band is truly awesome. |
dazzling | Amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning. Dazzling snow. |
deluxe | Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality. A deluxe hotel. |
dignified | Having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect. She maintained a dignified silence. |
dignify | Give an impressive name to (someone or something unworthy of it. I shall not dignify this insensitive remark with an answer. |
exceeding | Extremely exceedingly. She spoke warmly of his exceeding kindness. |
grand | A grand piano. Grand theft. |
imposing | Impressive in appearance. An imposing residence. |
lavish | Give someone generous amounts of. He was lavished with gifts. |
luxury | Luxurious or of the nature of a luxury. A luxury yacht. |
magisterial | Of or relating to a magistrate. Managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way. |
majestic | Majestic in manner or bearing superior to mundane matters. The majestic Canadian Rockies. |
moving | In motion. A constantly moving crowd. |
opulence | Great wealth or luxuriousness. Rooms of spectacular opulence. |
opulent | Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality. His more opulent tenants. |
palatial | Resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid. Palatial furnishings. |
prosperity | The state of being prosperous. A long period of peace and prosperity. |
saintliness | The quality or state of being saintly; holiness. Her selfless behaviour borders on saintliness. |
sensational | Commanding attention. You look sensational. |
spectacular | Having a quality that thrusts itself into attention. The party suffered a spectacular loss in the election. |
splendid | Characterized by grandeur. A splendid view of Windsor Castle. |
staggering | Deeply shocking; astonishing. The staggering bills for maintenance and repair. |
stately | Impressive or grand in size, appearance, or manner. A stately procession. |
striking | The action of striking. Substantial damage was caused by the striking of a submerged object. |
stunning | Commanding attention. The strike came as a stunning protest against management. |
sumptuous | Rich and superior in quality. The banquet was a sumptuous luxurious meal. |
thundering | Making a resounding, loud, deep noise. A thundering good read. |
touching | Arousing affect. Your loyalty is very touching. |