IN FAVOR OF: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IN FAVOR OF?

Need another word that means the same as “in favor of”? Find 30 related words for “in favor of” in this overview.

Associations of "In favor of" (30 Words)

apertureAn man-made opening; usually small.
The bell ropes passed through apertures in the ceiling.
beneficExerting a favorable or beneficent influence.
A benefic star.
beneficenceDoing good; feeling beneficent.
benignityAn act of kindness.
His air of benignity.
compassionSympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
The victims should be treated with compassion.
disembodiedSeparated from or existing without the body.
A disembodied ghost.
entreeAn entrance, especially a theatrical entrance onto a stage or as if onto a stage.
She made a graceful entree into the ballroom.
inclinationThe property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical.
He was free to follow his inclinations.
indoorRelating to sports played indoors.
An indoor setting.
indoorsWithin a building.
They went indoors and explored the house.
inlandIn or towards the interior of a country.
A network of waterways that allowed inland trade.
innerThe inner part of something.
Join a choir and give voice to that inner diva who has been hidden away too long.
insideBeing or applying to the inside of a building.
My insides are out of order.
interiorSituated on or relating to the inside of something; inner.
The interior minister.
internalLocated inward- Leonard Bernstein- David Denby.
The tube had an internal diameter of 1 1 mm.
intramuralSituated or done within the walls of a building.
Both intramural and churchyard graves.
inwardDirected or moving inward or toward a center.
Inward flood of capital.
inwardlyWithin the mind.
Inwardly she was raging.
liningThe act of attaching an inside lining to a garment or curtain etc.
Leather gloves with fur linings.
locatedSituated in a particular spot or position.
Valuable centrally located urban land.
muralRelating to or resembling a wall.
Huge murals depicting Norse legends.
optSelect as an alternative over another.
Pupils opting to continue with physics.
predilectionA strong liking.
A predilection for expensive cars.
preferGive preference to one creditor over another.
I prefer Venice to Rome.
preferenceA greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
He chose a clock in preference to a watch.
reservedMarked by self-restraint and reticence-Victoria Sackville-West.
Was habitually reserved in speech withholding her opinion.
thereinIn that place, document, or respect.
Therein lie all the problems.
trappedForced to turn and face attackers.
Like a trapped animal.
withinInternally or inwardly.
Beauty coming from within.

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