IN THE LONG RUN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IN THE LONG RUN?

Need another word that means the same as “in the long run”? Find 30 related words for “in the long run” in this overview.

Associations of "In the long run" (30 Words)

beyondIn addition.
Music went on into the night and beyond.
bypassAn alternative channel created during a bypass operation.
The town has been bypassed.
circumventDeceive; outwit.
If you come to an obstruction in a road you can seek to circumvent it.
detourAvoid by taking a detour.
I would detour the endless stream of motor homes.
distanceThe distance from the winning post which a horse must have reached when the winner finishes in order to qualify for a subsequent heat.
The distance from birth to death.
elongateLong in relation to width elongated.
The old man s gaunt and elongated frame.
elongatedDrawn out or made longer spatially.
Picasso s elongated Don Quixote.
endlesslyWith unflagging resolve.
The original episodes were endlessly repeated.
enduringPatiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble.
He formed a number of enduring relationships with women.
entreeThe act of entering.
She made a graceful entree into the ballroom.
extendContinue or extend.
The disease extended into the remote mountain provinces.
extendedFully extended or stretched forth.
His extended legs reached almost across the small room.
extensibleAble to be extended or stretched; extendable.
In a second she was out of the car extensible baton in hand.
furlongAn eighth of a mile, 220 yards.
furtherTo or at a greater distance in time or space farther is used more frequently than further in this physical sense.
Before going any further we need to define our terms.
hieMove hurridly.
I hied down to New Orleans.
indefinitelyFor an unlimited or unspecified period of time.
Talks cannot go on indefinitely.
indoorRelating to sports played indoors.
Indoor activities for a rainy day.
interminableTiresomely long; seemingly without end.
An interminable sermon.
lengthThe length of a horse boat etc as a measure of the lead in a race.
The length of the table was 5 feet.
lengthenMake or become longer.
In the spring when the days are lengthening.
lengthy(especially in reference to time) of considerable or unusual length, especially so as to be tedious.
A lengthy visit from her mother in law.
marathonA footrace of 26 miles 385 yards.
The last leg of an interview marathon which began this summer.
postponeCause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled.
The visit had to be postponed for some time.
prolongedDrawn out or made longer spatially.
A prolonged black line across the page.
protractedRelatively long in duration tediously protracted.
Protracted negotiations.
runningThe act of running traveling on foot at a fast pace.
Cost of lumber per running foot.
spreadCover by spreading something over.
Spread the bread with cheese.
stretchedExtended or spread over a wide area or distance.
Broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us.
upstageMove upstage forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience.
He was upstage with strangers.

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