IN THE WORKS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IN THE WORKS?

Need another word that means the same as “in the works”? Find 30 related words for “in the works” in this overview.

Associations of "In the works" (30 Words)

accomplishFill in (a form.
Once this form has been accomplished the applicant needs to secure supporting documents.
assiduityGreat and constant diligence and attention.
The assiduity with which he could wear down his opponents.
assiduousShowing great care and perseverance.
Assiduous research.
chartered(of an accountant, engineer, librarian, etc.) qualified as a member of a professional body that has a royal charter.
The town s celebration of its 800th anniversary as a chartered borough.
choreA tedious but necessary task.
The early risers were up and about doing their chores.
collaborateCooperate as a traitor.
He collaborated with him on numerous hotel projects.
cooperativelyIn close cooperation.
A cooperatively owned restaurant.
diligentCharacterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks.
A diligent search of the files.
employed(of a person) having a paid job.
Up to 40 per cent of employed people are in part time jobs.
employmentThe act of giving someone a job.
He is looking for employment.
engagedHaving ones attention or mind or energy engaged.
The desperately engaged ships continued the fight.
headhunterA recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations.
A headhunter offering you a wonderful new position at a higher salary.
hireA person who is hired an employee.
Car hire is recommended.
hiredHired for the exclusive temporary use of a group of travelers.
A hired assassin.
housekeepingMoney set aside or given for running a household.
Housekeeping genes.
jobA workplace as in the expression on the job.
The job of repairing the engine took several hours.
laborA political party formed in Great Britain in 1900 characterized by the promotion of labor s interests and formerly the socialization of key industries.
She was in labor for six hours.
menialA person with a menial job.
Menial factory jobs.
occupiedSeized and controlled as by military invasion.
She keeps her time well occupied.
overtimePayment for overtime.
We worked overtime to fulfil a big order.
partnershipAn association of two or more people as partners.
The partnership now owns 22 department stores.
pay(of a business, activity, or an attitude) be profitable or advantageous.
She has been prevailed upon to pay us a visit.
proletariatWorking-class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism.
The growth of the industrial proletariat.
runawayA person who has run away, especially from their family or an institution.
Runaway boys.
scullionA kitchen servant employed to do menial tasks (especially washing.
semiskilledPossessing or requiring limited skills.
A semiskilled job.
subcontractWork under a subcontract engage in a subcontract.
Subcontract work.
taskAssign a task to.
The endless task of classifying the samples.
toilWork hard.
Richard toiled to build his editorial team.
working(of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing.
The size of the working population.

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