IN THEIR OWN RIGHT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IN THEIR OWN RIGHT?

Need another word that means the same as “in their own right”? Find 30 related words for “in their own right” in this overview.

Associations of "In their own right" (30 Words)

accessReach or gain access to.
This prevents unauthorized access or inadvertent deletion of the file.
accessible(of a person, especially one in a position of authority) friendly and easy to talk to; approachable.
This room is not accessible to elderly people.
acknowledgementThe expression of gratitude or appreciation for something.
He received an award in acknowledgement of his work.
admissionThe fee charged for admission.
There was a substantial reduction in hospital admissions.
admittanceThe act of admitting someone to enter.
People were unable to gain admittance to the hall.
applicableCapable of being applied; having relevance.
The same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims.
appositeApt in the circumstances or in relation to something.
The observations are apposite to the discussion.
appropriateGive or assign a resource to a particular person or cause.
The accused had appropriated the property.
aproposOf an appropriate or pertinent nature.
The composer s reference to child s play is apropos.
befitBe appropriate for; suit.
As befits a Quaker he was a humane man.
comerA person or thing likely to succeed.
Many in the party see tax relief as a comer.
correctCorrect in opinion or judgment.
The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia.
dispossess(in sport) deprive (a player) of the ball.
He dispossessed Hendrie and set off on a solo run.
eligibleHaving the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions.
The world s most eligible bachelor.
entreeThe act of entering.
She made a graceful entree into the ballroom.
entryThe forward part of a ship’s hull below the waterline, considered in terms of breadth or narrowness.
Sophisticated features to help ensure accurate data entry.
fitBe the right size or shape fit correctly or as desired.
A fit of housecleaning.
fittingThe action of fitting something.
A fitting reward.
germaneRelevant to a subject under consideration.
He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue.
justOf an opinion or appraisal well founded justifiable.
A just and democratic society.
justificationThe action of declaring or making righteous in the sight of God.
There is no justification for an increase in charges.
legitimateShow or affirm to be just and legitimate.
A legitimate government.
opportuneDone or occurring at a favourable time; well timed.
An opportune place to make camp.
pertinentRelevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.
She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
properStrictly so called; in its true form.
Her parents view of what was proper for a well bred girl.
punctualActing or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed.
She expected guests to be punctual at meals.
realizationSomething that is made real or concrete.
A growing realization of the need to create common economic structures.
relevantClosely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research.
rightnessConformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety.
The rightness of that move for me.
timelyBefore a time limit expires.
A timely warning.

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