INCENTIVIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INCENTIVIZE?

Need another word that means the same as “incentivize”? Find 21 synonyms for “incentivize” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Incentivize” are: encourage, act as a fillip to, act as a impetus to, act as a incentive to, act as a spur to, act as a stimulus to, prompt, prod, move, motivate, trigger, spark, spur on, galvanize, activate, kindle, fire, fire with enthusiasm, fuel, whet, nourish

Incentivize as a Verb

Definitions of "Incentivize" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “incentivize” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Motivate or encourage (someone) to do something; provide with an incentive.

Synonyms of "Incentivize" as a verb (21 Words)

act as a fillip toDischarge one’s duties.
act as a impetus toPerform on a stage or theater.
act as a incentive toBehave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself.
act as a spur toBe suitable for theatrical performance.
act as a stimulus toBe engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure.
activateMake active or more active.
Activate an old file.
encourageInspire with confidence; give hope or courage to.
His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife.
fireSet fire to.
The boss fired his secretary today.
fire with enthusiasmGo off or discharge.
fuelSupply or power an industrial plant vehicle or machine with fuel.
The tanker fueled in Bahrain.
galvanizeStimulate (muscles) by administering a shock.
The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.
kindle(of an emotion) be aroused.
A love of art was kindled in me.
motivateCause (someone) to have interest in or enthusiasm for something.
He said he would motivate funds to upgrade the food stalls.
moveCause to move or shift into a new position or place both in a concrete and in an abstract sense.
She moved to the door.
nourishProvide with nourishment.
I was doing everything I could to nourish and protect the baby.
promptSupply a forgotten word or line to (an actor) during the performance of a play.
The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country.
sparkEmit or produce sparks.
The ignition sparks as soon as the gas is turned on.
spur onEquip with spurs.
triggerRelease or pull the trigger on.
People ask how much I weigh but I won t talk about numbers because I know that triggers me.
whetSharpen by rubbing as on a whetstone.
The selection of quotations may whet your curiosity to investigate the source material.

Usage Examples of "Incentivize" as a verb

  • This is likely to incentivize management to find savings.

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