INDENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INDENT?

Need another word that means the same as “indent”? Find 42 synonyms and 30 related words for “indent” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Indent” are: indenture, dent, move to the right, move further from the margin, start in from the margin, notch, nick, make an indentation in, make nicks in, make notches in, scallop, serrate, pink, cut, scratch, gash, slit, snick, gouge, groove, furrow, order, put in an order for, requisition, apply for, put in for, request, put in a request for, ask for, claim, put in a claim for, call for, demand, indentation, indention, purchase order, call, application

Indent as a Noun

Definitions of "Indent" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “indent” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A space left by indenting text.
  • An order for goods to be exported or imported.
  • An indenture.
  • An indentation.
  • The space left between the margin and the start of an indented line.
  • An official order or requisition for goods.

Synonyms of "Indent" as a noun (9 Words)

applicationA program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task.
Massage has far reaching medical applications.
callA direction in a square dance given by the caller.
The call of duty.
indentationThe act of cutting into an edge with toothlike notches or angular incisions.
An indentation for each change of speaker.
indentionThe space left between the margin and the start of an indented line.
indentureThe state of being bound to service by an indenture.
The 30 apprentices have received their indentures on completion of their training.
orderThe insignia worn by members of an order of honour or merit.
Law and order.
purchase orderThe acquisition of something for payment.
requestA tune or song played on a radio programme typically accompanied by a personal message in response to a listener s request.
Human intelligence which is in constant request in a family.
requisitionA demand to the vendor of a property for the official search relating to the title.
Requisition of grain at the point of a gun proved a novel experience for the peasantry.

Usage Examples of "Indent" as a noun

  • Hawthorn refused to approve the indent for silk scarves.
  • Every indent in the coastline.
  • Six-character indents.

Indent as a Verb

Definitions of "Indent" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “indent” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Start (a line of text) or position (a block of text) further from the margin than the main part of the text.
  • Set in from the margin.
  • Divide (a document drawn up in duplicate) into its two copies with a zigzag line, thus ensuring identification and preventing forgery.
  • Notch the edge of or make jagged.
  • Cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication.
  • Make a depression into.
  • Draw up (a legal document) in exact duplicate.
  • Make a requisition or written order for something.
  • Form deep recesses or notches in (a line or surface.
  • Bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant.

Synonyms of "Indent" as a verb (33 Words)

apply forApply oneself to.
ask forRequire or ask for as a price or condition.
call forMake a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands.
claimAsk for legally or make a legal claim to as of debts for example.
They claimed on the maximum allowable amount.
cutCut off the testicles of male animals such as horses.
Robert was cutting class.
demandLay legal claim to.
Where is she he demanded.
dentMark with a dent.
He hit a concrete bollard denting the wing.
furrowCut a furrow into a columns.
Gorges furrowing the deep sea floor.
gougeObtain by coercion or intimidation.
He d gouged wads out of Morty.
grooveHollow out in the form of a furrow or groove.
Groove a vinyl record.
indentureBind by or as if by indentures as of an apprentice or servant.
An indentured servant.
make an indentation inCharge with a function; charge to be.
make nicks inCharge with a function; charge to be.
make notches inHave a bowel movement.
move further from the marginHave an emotional or cognitive impact upon.
move to the rightPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action.
nickCut a nick into.
The barber s knife nicked his cheek.
notchSecure or insert by means of notches.
He notched the stick at each end.
orderBring order to or into.
Are you ready to order sir.
pinkBecome pink.
The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded.
put in a claim forEstimate.
put in a request forCause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation.
put in an order forMake an investment.
put in forMake an investment.
requestPolitely or formally ask for.
He received the information he had requested.
requisitionDemand the performance or occurrence of.
A stakeholder has requisitioned an extraordinary general meeting.
scallopFish for scallops.
The season for scalloping is almost over.
scratchPlay a record using the scratch technique.
The hens cannot do anything that comes naturally to them such as scratch around.
serrateMake saw-toothed or jag the edge of.
Serrate the edges of the teeth.
slitCut a slit into.
She slitted her eyes to look at him.
snickMake a sharp clicking sound.
He placed the pen in the briefcase and snicked it shut.
start in from the marginBring into being.

Usage Examples of "Indent" as a verb

  • We were indenting for paper clips one by one in those days.
  • Indent the documents.
  • A coastline indented by many fjords.
  • Type a paragraph of text and indent the first line.
  • An indentured servant.

Associations of "Indent" (30 Words)

alphabetThe elementary stages of any subject (usually plural.
A phonetic alphabet.
annotateAdd explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments.
He annotated on what his teacher had written.
annotationA note by way of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram.
Annotation of prescribed texts.
bookThe notebook in which a referee writes the names of players who are cautioned for foul play.
An accounts book.
descriptiveDescribing or classifying in an objective and non-judgemental way.
The text contains some good descriptive passages.
formatSet printed matter into a specific format.
He has just re issued the collection in CD format.
grammarA grammar school.
Chomskyan grammar.
grammarianA linguist who specializes in the study of grammar and syntax.
indentationThe act of cutting into an edge with toothlike notches or angular incisions.
Paragraphs are marked off by indentation.
lexicographerA person who compiles dictionaries.
litotesIronic understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary (e.g. I shan’t be sorry for I shall be glad).
Saying I was not a little upset when you mean I was very upset is an example of litotes.
orthographyA method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols.
A spoken language which has as yet no sanctioned orthography.
palimpsestSomething reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form.
Sutton Place is a palimpsest of the taste of successive owners.
paragraphWrite paragraphs work as a paragrapher.
All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday s paper.
parseAn act of parsing a string or a text.
I asked a couple of students to parse these sentences for me.
philologistA humanist specializing in classical scholarship.
quotationA statement of the current market price of a security or commodity.
A quotation from Bart k s Fourth String Quartet.
quoteA passage or expression that is quoted or cited.
Quotes from different insurance companies.
sentencePronounce a sentence on somebody in a court of law.
Ten army officers were sentenced to life imprisonment.
spellingA person’s ability to spell words.
Her spelling was deplorable.
syntaxA set of rules for or an analysis of the syntax of a language.
Generative syntax.
textA text message.
If she was going to go she would have texted us.
transcribeTransliterate (foreign characters) or write or type out (shorthand, notes, or other abbreviated forms) into ordinary characters or full sentences.
His largest early work was transcribed for organ.
transcriptA written or printed version of material originally presented in another medium.
He read a transcript of the interrogation.
translatorA person who translates written messages from one language to another.
The translator of Hardy s poems into Icelandic.
transliterateWrite or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or script.
Names from one language are often transliterated into another.
ungrammaticalNot conforming to grammatical rules.
Ungrammatical sentences.
verseCompose verses or put into verse.
The second verse.
wordingThe manner in which something is expressed in words- G.S.Patton.
The standard form of wording for a consent letter.
The writing is straightforward and accessible.

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