Need another word that means the same as “inquire”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “inquire” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Inquire” are: enquire, investigate, wonder, ask, make inquiries, ask questions, pose a question, request information, conduct an inquiry, probe, look
Inquire as a Verb
Definitions of "Inquire" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “inquire” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Address a question to and expect an answer from.
- Have a wish or desire to know something.
- Inquire about.
- Ask about the health and well-being of (someone.
- Ask for information from someone.
- Investigate; look into.
- Ask to see or speak to (someone.
- Conduct an inquiry or investigation of.

Synonyms of "Inquire" as a verb (11 Words)
ask | Require or ask for as a price or condition. He was asking 250 for the guitar. |
ask questions | Consider obligatory; request and expect. |
conduct an inquiry | Behave in a certain manner. |
enquire | Inquire about. |
investigate | Investigate scientifically. When you didn t turn up I thought I d better come back to investigate. |
look | Look forward to the probable occurrence of. They looked up as he came into the room. |
make inquiries | Represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like. |
pose a question | Behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others. |
probe | Examine physically with or as if with a probe. Hands probed his body from top to bottom. |
request information | Ask (a person) to do something. |
wonder | Place in doubt or express doubtful speculation. He wondered who had built this beautiful church. |

Usage Examples of "Inquire" as a verb
- Inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady.
- I inquired where he lived.
- I inquired about their special today.
- ‘How well do you know Berlin?’ he inquired of Hencke.
- Annie inquired after her parents.
- He inquired about cottages for sale.
- The task of political sociology is to inquire into the causes of political events.
- That was Paul inquiring for you—I told him he couldn't come in.

Associations of "Inquire" (30 Words)
answer | Give the correct answer or solution to. His answer to any problem was to get drunk. |
answerable | Responsible for. The Attorney General is answerable only to Parliament for his decisions. |
ask | Require or ask for as a price or condition. It s asking a lot but could you look through Billy s things. |
askance | (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy. Her eyes with their misted askance look. |
asking | The verbal act of requesting. |
curiosity | A state in which you want to learn more about something. Filled with curiosity she peered through the window. |
curious | Expressing curiosity. She was curious to know what had happened. |
dubious | Morally suspect. He holds the dubious distinction of being relegated with every club he has played for. |
enigma | A person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand. Madeleine was still an enigma to him. |
enquire | Have a wish or desire to know something. |
inquiring | (of a look or expression) suggesting that information is sought. An inquiring mind. |
inquiry | A search for knowledge. All lines of inquiry are open. |
inquisitive | Inquiring or appearing to inquire. If someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive. |
inquisitor | An officer of the Inquisition. The professional inquisitors of the press. |
interrogate | Obtain data from (a computer file, database, storage device, or terminal. A ground based transmitter sends a signal to interrogate an instrument on the aircraft. |
interrogation | Formal systematic questioning. He had trouble phrasing his interrogations. |
interrogative | Some linguists consider interrogative sentences to constitute a mood. A hard interrogative stare. |
interrogatory | A written question which is formally put to one party in a case by another party and which must be answered. She abandoned her interrogatory monologue. |
interview | Go for an interview in the hope of being hired. She was interviewed by a reporter from the Daily News. |
marvel | Something that causes feelings of wonder. The marvels of technology. |
nosy | Offensively curious or inquisitive. Nosy neighbours. |
pardon | Grant a pardon to. I know Catherine will pardon me. |
poser | A person who poses; a poseur. |
query | Pose a question. I rang the water company to query my bill. |
question | Ask someone questions especially in an official context. She called for the question. |
reply | A statement either spoken or written that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation. He was gone before we could reply to his last remark. |
solve | Settle, as of a debt. Solve for x. |
theoretically | In theory; according to the assumed facts. This scenario is theoretically possible but not very likely. |
why | The cause or intention underlying an action or situation especially in the phrase the whys and wherefores. Why did he do it. |
wonder | Something that causes feelings of wonder. A wonder drug. |