Need another word that means the same as “intoxicated”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “intoxicated” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Intoxicated” are: drunk, gone, inebriated, ripped, inebriate, drunken, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence
Intoxicated as an Adjective
Definitions of "Intoxicated" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “intoxicated” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Drunk or under the influence of drugs.
- Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol.
- As if under the influence of alcohol.

Synonyms of "Intoxicated" as an adjective (9 Words)
drunken | Drunk or intoxicated. The man s drunken slurred speech. |
gone | Destroyed or killed. She is now four months gone. |
inebriate | Drunk; intoxicated. He had been known to get hopelessly inebriate. |
inebriated | Drunk; intoxicated. Helplessly inebriated. |
ripped | Having well-defined or well-developed muscles; muscular. They re going to the gym daily to get buff pecs ripped abs and tight buns. |
the worse for drink | Inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability. |
tipsy | Unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated. Tipsy revellers. |
under the influence | Lower in rank, power, or authority. |

Usage Examples of "Intoxicated" as an adjective
- Felt intoxicated by her success.
- A noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors.
- Officials are reporting an increase in the number of intoxicated students requiring medical attention.
- He was so intoxicated that he could barely walk.

Associations of "Intoxicated" (30 Words)
alcohol | A liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent. Alcohol or drink ruined him. |
alcoholic | A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually. Alcoholic liquor. |
bacchanal | Used of riotously drunken merrymaking. The debauched and alcoholic president was said to be organizing unceasing bacchanals. |
bacchanalian | Characterized by or given to drunken revelry. A bacchanalian orgy. |
beer | A general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops. He ordered a beer. |
bibulous | Excessively fond of drinking alcohol. A bibulous fellow. |
carousal | Revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party. |
carouse | Drink alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way. Corporate carouses. |
debauchery | A wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity. |
drunken | Habitually or frequently drunk. Two drunken gentlemen holding each other up. |
inebriate | Make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. Those who feel inclined are free to inebriate themselves. |
inebriated | Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol. I got mildly inebriated. |
inebriety | Drunkenness, especially habitual; intoxication. The ravages of inebriety. |
intoxicant | Causing. Intoxicants and drugs are used by some to escape physical or psychological pain. |
intoxicate | Make drunk (with alcoholic drinks. We don t allow people into sessions if they are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
oaf | A man who is rough or clumsy and unintelligent. They are just big clumsy oafs. |
plastered | Made smooth by applying a sticky or glossy substance. I went out and got totally plastered. |
revel | Lively and noisy enjoyment, especially with drinking and dancing. They spent the evening revelling with their guests. |
reveler | A celebrant who shares in a noisy party. The clubs attract revelers as young as thirteen. |
revelry | Lively and noisy festivities, especially when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol. Sounds of revelry issued into the night. |
sober | Make or become sober after drinking alcohol. As sober as a judge. |
spree | Take part in a spree. He went on a six month crime spree. |
stupor | The feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally. A drunken stupor. |
tipple | Drink alcohol, especially habitually. We tippled the cognac. |
tipsy | Slightly intoxicated. Tipsy revellers. |
unstable | Prone to psychiatric problems or sudden changes of mood. An unstable world economy. |