Need another word that means the same as “irrigation”? Find 30 related words for “irrigation” in this overview.
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Associations of "Irrigation" (30 Words)
aqueduct | A conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley. |
basin | The quantity that a basin will hold. The Amazon basin. |
canal | Provide a city with a canal. They travelled on by canal. |
canalize | Convert (a river) into a navigable canal. Successive railway engineers were to divert and canalize many miles of river. |
channel | A service or station using a channel of frequencies. She was channelling the spirit of Billie Holiday. |
coast | A slope down which sleds may coast. The west coast of Africa. |
conduit | A passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass. The gas pipe should not be close to any electrical conduit. |
ditch | Provide with a ditch or ditches. Ditch the land to drain it. |
drain | Empty of liquid drain the liquid from. The land was drained and the boggy ground reclaimed. |
drainage | A system of drains. They set about renewing and repairing drainage and water supplies. |
exhaust | The system through which exhaust gases are expelled. This kind of work exhausts me. |
flow | The amount of fluid that flows in a given time. Under the ford the river backs up giving a deep sluggish flow. |
fluvial | Of or found in a river. Fluvial deposits. |
incised | Cut or impressed into a surface. An incised design. |
irrigate | Supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of channels. Irrigate the wound. |
isthmus | A narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land. |
lake | A body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land. The EU wine lake. |
metamorphic | Of or marked by metamorphosis. Marble is a metamorphic rock that takes a high polish. |
moat | Surround a place with a moat. |
navigable | (of a waterway or sea) able to be sailed on by ships or boats. Navigable waters. |
pipe | Play a tune on a pipe or pipes. Pipe a tune. |
pipeline | Convey a substance by a pipeline. Chip designers pipeline the instructions given to the hardware. |
river | A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea a lake or another river. The river was navigable for 50 miles. |
sedimentary | (of rock) that has formed from sediment deposited by water or air. |
strait | A bad or difficult situation or state of affairs. My captivity was strait as ever. |
surfing | The sport or pastime of riding a wave towards the shore while standing or lying on a surfboard. Why share your internet connection with people surfing and chatting. |
trench | A trench coat. The slaughter in the trenches created a new cynicism. |
vacate | Leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily. You must vacate your office by tonight. |
waterway | A channel at the outer edge of a deck of a boat that allows water to run off. The canal was a very successful commercial waterway. |