Need another word that means the same as “joke”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “joke” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Joke” are: antic, caper, prank, put-on, trick, jest, jocularity, gag, jape, laugh, funny story, witticism, quip, pleasantry, stunt, hoax, figure of fun, source of amusement, object of ridicule, farce, travesty, waste of time, tell jokes, crack jokes, fool, fool about, fool around, play a prank, play a trick, play a joke, play a practical joke, tease, pull someone's leg, mess someone about, mess someone around
Joke as a Noun
Definitions of "Joke" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “joke” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- Activity characterized by good humor.
- A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
- A ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement.
- A person or thing that is ridiculously inadequate.
- A triviality not to be taken seriously.
- A humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter.
- A trick played on someone for fun.

Synonyms of "Joke" as a noun (22 Words)
antic | A ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement. |
caper | A ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement. A cop caper about intergalactic drug dealers. |
farce | The dramatic genre represented by farces. The choreographed confusion of real farce. |
figure of fun | Language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense. |
funny story | An account of an amusing incident (usually with a punch line. |
gag | A restriction on dissemination of information. He knows a million gags. |
hoax | Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage. A hoax 999 call. |
jape | A practical joke. The childish jape of depositing a stink bomb in her locker. |
jest | A thing said or done for amusement; a joke. It was said in jest. |
jocularity | Activity characterized by good humor. |
laugh | A facial expression characteristic of a person laughing. That s a laugh the idea of you cooking a meal. |
object of ridicule | A tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow. |
pleasantry | An inconsequential remark made as part of a polite conversation. He laughed at his own pleasantry. |
prank | A ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement. The tapestry was stolen as part of a drunken student prank. |
put-on | Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage. |
quip | A witty remark. Tricks of controversy and quips of law. |
source of amusement | A facility where something is available. |
stunt | A creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth. |
travesty | A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody’s style, usually in a humorous way. The absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice. |
trick | A cunning act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone. She thought Elaine was playing some trick on her. |
waste of time | An uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation. |
witticism | A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. Maurice roared with laughter at his own witticisms. |

Usage Examples of "Joke" as a noun
- He told a very funny joke.
- I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke.
- Public transport is a joke.
- She was in a mood to tell jokes.
- The others were playing a joke on her.

Joke as a Verb
Definitions of "Joke" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “joke” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Poke fun at.
- Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly.
- Tell a joke; speak humorously.
- Act in a funny or teasing way.

Synonyms of "Joke" as a verb (15 Words)
crack jokes | Hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise. |
fool | Fool or hoax. He fooled nightclub managers into believing he was a successful businessman. |
fool about | Make a fool or dupe of. |
fool around | Fool or hoax. |
hoax | Subject to a playful hoax or joke. |
jest | Act in a funny or teasing way. You jest surely. |
mess someone about | Make a mess of or create disorder in. |
mess someone around | Eat in a mess hall. |
play a joke | Emit recorded sound. |
play a practical joke | Be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way. |
play a prank | Perform music on (a musical instrument. |
play a trick | Participate in games or sport. |
pull someone's leg | Take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for. |
tease | Mock or make fun of playfully. Her hair is teased into spikes. |
tell jokes | Give evidence. |

Usage Examples of "Joke" as a verb
- She could laugh and joke with her colleagues.
- He often jokes even when he appears serious.
- He was pretending to joke his daughter.

Associations of "Joke" (30 Words)
badinage | Humorous or witty conversation. He developed a nice line in badinage with the Labour leader. |
banter | Light teasing repartee. The men bantered with the waitresses. |
comedy | The style or genre represented by comedy films plays and broadcast programmes. The conventions of romantic comedy have grown more appealing with the passage of time. |
deride | Express contempt for; ridicule. He derided his student s attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics. |
fun | A source of fun. He was fun to be with. |
funny | Slightly but undefinably unwell. I do get some funny looks. |
gibe | An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect. She proved impervious to his sarcastic gibes. |
hoot | Of an owl utter a hoot. Sam hooted his horn. |
humor | The trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous. You can t survive in the army without a sense of humor. |
humorous | Full of or characterized by humor. A humorous and entertaining talk. |
humour | The ability to express humour or amuse other people. Their inimitable brand of humour. |
jeer | Shout rude and mocking remarks at (someone. The taunts and jeers of my classmates. |
jest | Act in a funny or teasing way. He laughed unpleasantly at his own jest. |
jocose | Characterized by jokes and good humor. A jocose allusion. |
jocular | With humor. His voice was jocular. |
laugh | The sound of laughing. Many people only laughed at these stories. |
mockery | Showing your contempt by derision. In her bitterness she felt that all rejoicing was mockery. |
parody | Make a parody of. The film is a parody of the horror genre. |
persiflage | Light teasing. An air of persiflage. |
playfully | In a light-hearted manner. Lily laughed and playfully slapped him across the chest. |
quip | Make jokes or quips. Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man. |
repartee | Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies. Quick fire repartee. |
ridicule | Subject to laughter or ridicule. The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house. |
sally | Make a military sortie. A sally into the wide world beyond his home. |
satirize | Deride and criticize by means of satire. The writer satirized the politician s proposal. |
scoff | Showing your contempt by derision. You a scientist he scoffed. |
slapstick | Comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events. A loud and exhilarating rattle of bladders and slapsticks. |
spoof | Hoax or trick (someone. That meant that the Americans might not be able to jam or spoof his systems. |
teasing | Causing irritation or annoyance. A teasing and persistent thought annoyed him. |
witticism | A message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. Maurice roared with laughter at his own witticisms. |