Need another word that means the same as “kinetic”? Find 9 synonyms and 30 related words for “kinetic” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Kinetic” are: energising, energizing, driving, impelling, propelling, propulsive, operative, moving, motor
Kinetic as an Adjective
Definitions of "Kinetic" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “kinetic” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Relating to or resulting from motion.
- (of a work of art) depending on movement for its effect.
- Relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith.
- Supplying motive force- H.O.Taylor.
- Supplying motive force.
- Characterized by motion.

Synonyms of "Kinetic" as an adjective (9 Words)
driving | Having the power of driving or impelling. Responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive. |
energising | Supplying motive force. |
energizing | Supplying motive force. |
impelling | Markedly effective as if by emotional pressure. Impelling skill as a teller of tales. |
motor | Relating to motor vehicles. Motor insurance. |
moving | Producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy. She laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter. |
operative | Effective; producing a desired effect. The operative word. |
propelling | Tending to or capable of propelling. |
propulsive | Tending to or capable of propelling. A strong blast of air gave the vehicle its propulsive force. |

Usage Examples of "Kinetic" as an adjective
- The complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center.
- Modern dance has been called kinetic pantomime.

Associations of "Kinetic" (30 Words)
aerodynamics | The properties of a solid object regarding the manner in which air flows around it. The plane has the aerodynamics of a brick once the forward thrust is lost. |
andantino | A movement or passage marked to be performed andantino. The slow movement is marked andantino. |
auto | A motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine. The auto industry. |
crusade | Go on a crusade fight a holy war. The Albigensian crusades. |
dialectical | Concerned with or acting through opposing forces. A dialectical opposition between social convention and individual libertarianism. |
drive | Strike with a driver as in teeing off. My new truck drives well. |
dynamic | Of or relating to dynamics. A dynamic economy. |
dynamics | The branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. Chemical dynamics. |
energy | Physics a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work the units of energy are joules or ergs. His writing conveys great energy. |
exercise | Cause an animal to take exercise. An exercise in cheap talk. |
fluid | Characteristic of a fluid capable of flowing and easily changing shape. Her movements were fluid and beautiful to watch. |
force | Move with force. A public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens. |
friction | A state of conflict between persons. A considerable amount of friction between father and son. |
hydrodynamics | Study of fluids in motion. |
instigation | Deliberate and intentional triggering (of trouble or discord. The Domesday Survey was compiled at the instigation of William I. |
interplay | The way in which two or more things have an effect on each other. The interplay between inheritance and learning. |
kinematics | The features or properties of motion in an object. |
locomotion | The power or ability to move. He preferred walking to other forms of locomotion. |
mechanics | The technical aspects of doing something. The mechanics of prose style. |
metabolism | The marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals. The metabolism of fatty acids in the kidney. |
molecular | Relating to or consisting of molecules. Molecular oxygen. |
momentum | The impetus gained by a moving object. The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped. |
motility | Ability to move spontaneously and independently. Gastrointestinal motility. |
motion | An optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object. A resolution motioned by Adam Tyler proposed that members without a CCL could still belong to the association. |
movement | A campaign undertaken by a political social or artistic movement. The movement towards greater sexual equality. |
physics | The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy The subject matter of physics includes mechanics heat light and other radiation sound electricity magnetism and the structure of atoms. He studied the physics of radiation. |
rapidly | With speed. The business is expanding rapidly. |
resistance | The degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current causing energy dissipation By Ohm s law resistance measured in ohms is equal to the voltage divided by the current. Some of us have a lower resistance to cold than others. |
spatiotemporal | Of or relating to space and time together (having both spatial extension and temporal duration. |
vivacity | (especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animated. He was struck by her vivacity humour and charm. |