LADEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LADEN?

Need another word that means the same as “laden”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “laden” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Laden” are: ladened, loaded, oppressed, burdened, overloaded, weighted, encumbered, lade, ladle, load, load up

Laden as a Verb

Definitions of "Laden" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “laden” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Fill or place a load on.
  • Remove with or as if with a ladle.

Synonyms of "Laden" as a verb (4 Words)

ladePut cargo on board (a ship).
The surplus products must be laden on board the vessels.
ladleRemove with or as if with a ladle.
Ladle soup into the bowl.
loadPlace a load or large quantity of something on or in a vehicle ship container etc.
Load the bags onto the trucks.
load upProvide (a device) with something necessary.

Laden as an Adjective

Definitions of "Laden" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “laden” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Filled with a great quantity.
  • Burdened psychologically or mentally.
  • Heavily loaded or weighed down.

Synonyms of "Laden" as an adjective (7 Words)

burdenedBearing a physically heavy weight or load.
Tree limbs burdened with ice.
encumberedLoaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load.
An encumbered estate.
ladenedFilled with a great quantity.
Ladened is not current usage.
loadedVery drunk.
1989 Ford 250 LXT low miles loaded.
oppressedSubject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.
His sympathies were with the oppressed.
overloadedLoaded with too great a burden or cargo.
Overloaded emergency departments.
weightedMade heavy or weighted down with weariness.
Votes weighted according to the size of constituencies.

Usage Examples of "Laden" as an adjective

  • Laden with grief.
  • Table laden with food.
  • `ladened' is not current usage.
  • The moisture-laden air.
  • A tree laden with apples.

Associations of "Laden" (30 Words)

bargeTransport by barge on a body of water.
You can use this method to barge an opponent.
burdenA load, typically a heavy one.
The burden of establishing that the authority had misused its powers rests upon the prosecution.
caliberA degree or grade of excellence or worth.
An executive of low caliber.
cargoGoods carried by a large vehicle.
A cargo of oil.
disembarkGo ashore.
The passengers began to disembark.
encumberRestrict (someone or something) so as to make free movement difficult.
She was encumbered by her heavy skirts.
expeditionaryDesigned for military operations abroad.
The French expeditionary force in Indochina.
filledOf purchase orders that have been filled.
A large hall filled with rows of desks.
freightA charge for transport by freight.
The metals had been freighted from the city.
fullOf the moon or tide become full.
John made full use of all the tuition provided.
heavyLarge and powerful especially designed for heavy loads or rough work.
Heavy matters of state.
ladeFill or place a load on.
Vessels lade there.
ladingGoods carried by a large vehicle.
loadPlace a load or large quantity of something on or in a vehicle ship container etc.
The King and Queen loaded Columbus with wealth and honours.
loaded(of a firearm) charged with ammunition.
Not merely rich but loaded.
moverA person who makes a formal proposal at a meeting or in an assembly.
She was the key mover in making this successful conference happen.
onusSomething that is one’s duty or responsibility.
The onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss.
packedPressed together or compressed.
Stands jam packed with fans.
palletBoard that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used.
revolverA pistol with a revolving cylinder (usually having six chambers for bullets.
shipmentA quantity of goods shipped; a consignment.
Logs waiting for shipment.
stiffIn a stiff manner.
His hands lay stiffly.
tightPressed tightly together.
The dress was too tight for her.
tonnageA tax imposed on ships that enter the US based on the tonnage of the ship.
A ship with a gross tonnage of 552.
totalThe whole amount.
The rock star totals his guitar at every concert.
transitRevolve the telescope of a surveying transit about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.
The new large ships will be too big to transit the Panama Canal.
truckConvey by truck.
Truck fresh vegetables across the mountains.
unloadLeave or unload.
The meeting had been a chance for her to unload some of her feelings about her son.
vanA caravan.
Delivery vans can t pull in and are holding up the traffic behind them.
weightBlocks or discs of metal or other heavy material used in weightlifting or weight training.
Weights and measures.

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