LICENSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LICENSE?

Need another word that means the same as “license”? Find 5 synonyms and 30 related words for “license” in this overview.

The synonyms of “License” are: licence, permission, permit, certify

License as a Noun

Definitions of "License" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “license” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization.
  • Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint.
  • Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices (especially in behavior or speech.
  • A legal document giving official permission to do something.
  • Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint- Will Durant- Edmund Burke.

Synonyms of "License" as a noun (3 Words)

licenceFormal or official permission to do something.
A television licence fee.
permissionApproval to do something.
He asked permission to leave.
permitLarge game fish; found in waters of the West Indies.
He is only in Britain on a work permit.

Usage Examples of "License" as a noun

  • When liberty becomes license dictatorship is near.
  • The intolerable license with which the newspapers break…the rules of decorum.

License as a Verb

Definitions of "License" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “license” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Permit (someone) to do something.
  • Grant a licence to.
  • Authorize the use, performance, or release of (something.
  • Authorize officially.

Synonyms of "License" as a verb (2 Words)

certifyOfficially declare insane.
The Law Society will certify that the sum charged is fair and reasonable.
licenceAuthorize officially.

Usage Examples of "License" as a verb

  • I am licensed to practice law in this state.
  • He was licensed to do no more than send a message.
  • He ought not to have been licensed to fly a plane.
  • A pub has to be licensed by the local justices.
  • The company expect that the drug will soon be licensed for use in the USA.

Associations of "License" (30 Words)

acceptableAdequate for the purpose.
An acceptable substitute for champagne.
agreed(of two or more parties) holding the same view or opinion on something.
All the republics are agreed on the necessity of a common defence policy.
allowAllow or plan for a certain possibility concede the truth or validity of something.
He stopped to allow his eyes to adjust.
allowableThat may be permitted especially as according to rule.
Tax is payable after deduction of allowable expenses.
approbationApproval or praise.
A term of approbation.
approvalThe belief that someone or something is good or acceptable.
His decision merited the approval of any sensible person.
approveJudge to be right or commendable; think well of.
They would not approve.
authorizationOfficial permission or approval.
Horowitz handed him the authorization signed by Evans.
certifiedFit to be certified as insane and treated accordingly.
A certified public accountant.
chartered(of an accountant, engineer, librarian, etc.) qualified as a member of a professional body that has a royal charter.
The town s celebration of its 800th anniversary as a chartered borough.
clapClap one s hands together.
Clap two boards together.
concurrenceA point at which three or more lines meet.
Delays can be avoided by arriving at political concurrence at the start.
constitutionThe constitution written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states.
The genetic constitution of a species.
employed(of a person) having a paid job.
Most of our graduates are employed.
endorsementA signature that validates something.
The entertainer made millions from Pepsi endorsements.
engagedUnavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability engaged is a British term for a busy telephone line.
Deeply engaged in conversation.
hiredHired for the exclusive temporary use of a group of travelers.
A hired gun.
imprimaturA person’s authoritative approval.
The imprimatur for this edition was granted by Cardinal O Casey.
indefeasibleNot subject to being lost, annulled, or overturned.
An indefeasible claim to the title.
okAn expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence.
Things are okay.
okayBeing satisfactory or in satisfactory condition.
Things are okay.
permissibleThat may be permitted especially as according to rule.
A kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine.
permissionAn official document giving authorization.
They had entered the country without permission.
permitA legal document giving official permission to do something.
The law permits councils to monitor any factory emitting smoke.
qualifiedHolding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill.
I could only judge this CD a qualified success.
ratificationThe action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid.
The ratification of the treaty.
ratifyApprove and express assent, responsibility, or obligation.
Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year.
sanctionGive religious sanction to such as through on oath.
The United States had agreed to lift economic sanctions.
treatyA formally concluded and ratified agreement between states.
The two Presidents signed a ten year treaty of solidarity.
yesAn affirmative answer or decision, especially in voting.
Answering with assured and ardent yeses.

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