LONG TERM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LONG TERM?

Need another word that means the same as “long term”? Find 30 related words for “long term” in this overview.

Associations of "Long term" (30 Words)

buzzwordStock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition.
The latest buzzword in international travel is ecotourism.
continuationThe consequence of being lengthened in duration.
The government s continuation in office.
detourTravel via a detour.
He detoured around the walls.
durationThe period of time during which something continues.
The ceremony was of short duration.
elongateLong in relation to width elongated.
The pup s globular body slowly elongates.
elongatedLong in relation to width, especially unusually so.
The males are smaller and have more elongated bodies.
An enduring disposition.
extendExtend in scope or range or area.
She extended her visit by another day.
extendedFully extended or stretched forth.
An extended discussion.
extensibleCapable of being protruded or stretched or opened out.
In a second she was out of the car extensible baton in hand.
indefinitelyFor an unlimited or unspecified period of time.
An indefinitely large number of channels.
jargonA characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves.
Legal jargon.
lengthThe length of a horse boat etc as a measure of the lead in a race.
The delta is twenty kilometres in length.
lengthenBecome long or longer.
In Spring the days lengthen.
lengthy(especially in reference to time) of considerable or unusual length, especially so as to be tedious.
A lengthy visit from her mother in law.
missiveA written message addressed to a person or organization.
Yet another missive from the Foreign Office.
outstretchedFully extended especially in length.
She reached across and shook his outstretched hand.
periodA set of elements occupying a horizontal row in the periodic table.
He interviewed the teachers when they had a free period.
perpetuationThe continuation or preservation of a situation, idea, etc.
We criticized the perpetuation of racial stereotypes.
postponeHold back to a later time.
The visit had to be postponed for some time.
prolongLengthen or extend in duration or space.
We prolonged our stay.
prolongationAmount or degree or range to which something extends.
An examiner analysed the angle formed by the prolongations of the lines.
prolongedDrawn out or made longer spatially.
A prolonged black line across the page.
He had certainly taken his time even protracting the process.
protractedRelatively long in duration tediously protracted.
Protracted negotiations.
slangUse slang or vulgar language.
Their speech was full of slang expressions.
stretchEasily stretched.
Stretch the elastic.
stretchedExtended or spread over a wide area or distance.
Well stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury.
stretchingAct of expanding by lengthening or widening.
unlimited(of a problem) having an infinite number of solutions.
To start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism.

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