LONGED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LONGED?

Need another word that means the same as “longed”? Find 30 related words for “longed” in this overview.

Associations of "Longed" (30 Words)

continuedWithout a break in continuity; ongoing.
He asked for their continued support.
continuouslyWith unflagging resolve.
These images loop continuously.
detourAvoid by taking a detour.
He detoured around the walls.
elongateLong in relation to width elongated.
The old man s gaunt and elongated frame.
elongatedHaving notably more length than width; being long and slender.
The old man s gaunt and elongated frame.
endlessTiresomely long; seemingly without end.
An endless conversation.
endlesslyWith unflagging resolve.
The original episodes were endlessly repeated.
He formed a number of enduring relationships with women.
everAt all times all the time and on every occasion.
Having to borrow ever larger sums.
extendExtend in scope or range or area.
My land extends over the hills on the horizon.
extendedFully extended or stretched forth.
The extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes.
extensibleDesigned to allow the addition of new capabilities and functionality.
An extensible architecture designed to accommodate changes.
foreverFor all future time; for always.
We had to wait forever and a day.
incessantlyWith unflagging resolve.
She talked about him incessantly.
indefinitelyTo an unlimited or unspecified degree or extent.
Talks cannot go on indefinitely.
infinitelyTo a very great degree; immensely.
There are issues here that could be expanded infinitely.
interminableTiresomely long; seemingly without end.
We got bogged down in interminable discussions.
lengthThe length of a horse boat etc as a measure of the lead in a race.
The length of the syllable is isomorphic with the length of the syllabic vowel.
lengthenMake or become longer.
In the spring when the days are lengthening.
lengthyRelatively long in duration; tediously protracted.
Lengthy delays.
perpetual(of an investment) having no fixed maturity date; irredeemable.
Deep caves in perpetual darkness.
perpetuationThe act of prolonging something.
We criticized the perpetuation of racial stereotypes.
postponeHold back to a later time.
The visit had to be postponed for some time.
prolongationAmount or degree or range to which something extends.
An agreement on further prolongation of the boundary proved difficult.
prolongedContinuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
The region suffered a prolonged drought.
protractedRelatively long in duration tediously protracted.
Protracted negotiations.
stretchMake long or longer by pulling and stretching.
There were stretches of boredom.
stretched(of muscles) relieved of stiffness by stretching.
Well stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury.
stretchingExercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent.
unceasinglyWith unflagging resolve.

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