LONGS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LONGS?

Need another word that means the same as “longs”? Find 30 related words for “longs” in this overview.

Associations of "Longs" (30 Words)

continuedWithout stop or interruption.
He asked for their continued support.
continuouslyWith unflagging resolve.
These images loop continuously.
detourTravel via a detour.
He detoured around the walls.
elongateLong in relation to width elongated.
The pup s globular body slowly elongates.
elongatedHaving notably more length than width; being long and slender.
The males are smaller and have more elongated bodies.
endlessTiresomely long; seemingly without end.
Endless waves.
endlesslyWith unflagging resolve.
The original episodes were endlessly repeated.
enduringLasting over a period of time; durable.
An enduring disposition.
everAt all times all the time and on every occasion.
Did you ever smoke.
extendExtend in scope or range or area.
Hold the index finger down with the thumb extended.
extendedFully extended or stretched forth.
The extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes.
extensibleDesigned to allow the addition of new capabilities and functionality.
In a second she was out of the car extensible baton in hand.
foreverFor a limitless time- P.P.Bliss.
No one can live forever.
incessantlyWithout interruption.
She talked about him incessantly.
indefinitelyTo an indefinite extent; for an indefinite time.
An indefinitely large number of channels.
infinitelyContinuing forever without end.
A sweet infinitely watchable performance.
interminableEndless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically.
An interminable sermon.
lengthThe length of a swimming pool as a measure of the distance swum.
The length of the syllable is isomorphic with the length of the syllabic vowel.
lengthenMake longer.
In the spring when the days are lengthening.
lengthyRelatively long in duration; tediously protracted.
Lengthy delays.
perpetual(of a plant) blooming or fruiting several times in one season.
Their perpetual money worries.
perpetuationThe act of prolonging something.
Perpetuation of the species is our purpose.
postponeHold back to a later time.
He postponed implementing the scheme until industry and business were consulted.
prolongationAmount or degree or range to which something extends.
An agreement on further prolongation of the boundary proved difficult.
prolongedDrawn out or made longer spatially.
The region suffered a prolonged drought.
protractedRelatively long in duration tediously protracted.
A protracted and bitter dispute.
stretchBecome longer by being stretched and pulled.
Stretch the soup by adding some more cream.
stretchedExtended or spread over a wide area or distance.
Broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us.
stretchingAct of expanding by lengthening or widening.
unceasinglyWith unflagging resolve.

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