MADE UP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MADE UP?

Need another word that means the same as “made up”? Find 30 related words for “made up” in this overview.

Associations of "Made up" (30 Words)

ascend(of a road or flight of steps) slope or lead up.
The path ascended to the top of the hill.
ascendingMoving or going or growing upward.
A gently ascending forest path.
ascentAn upward slope or grade (as in a road.
The first balloon ascent was in 1783.
boostGive a boost to be beneficial to.
The tax cut will boost the economy.
climbThe act of climbing something.
We decided to climb to 6 000 feet.
climbingThe sport or activity of climbing mountains or cliffs.
Climbing equipment.
constructBuild or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine.
Poetics should construct a theory of literary discourse.
createCreate by artistic means.
The company was created 25 years ago.
elevateRaise from a lower to a higher position.
The exercise will naturally elevate your chest and head.
elevatorA shoe with a raised insole designed to make the wearer appear taller.
Something in his gait made me sure he was wearing elevator shoes.
ennobleConfer dignity or honor upon.
They receive life baronies on appointment unless they are already ennobled.
escalatorA stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt.
exaltRaise to a higher rank or position.
The party will continue to exalt their hero.
forgeMove ahead steadily.
He forged a great suit of black armour.
heaveA horizontal dislocation.
She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do.
hoistA group of flags raised as a signal.
Hoist the bicycle onto the roof of the car.
liftA wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground.
He responded with a lift of his eyebrow.
mountingThe action of mounting something.
The mounting of rapid fire guns.
precipitateA substance precipitated from a solution.
I must apologize for my staff their actions were precipitate.
raiseRaise in rank or condition.
Raise a smile.
riseRise up.
Rise to the occasion.
risen(of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon.
The risen sun.
rising(of a bird) depicted with the wings open but not fully displayed, as if preparing for flight.
The rising generation.
soarThe act of rising upward into the air.
The dollar soared against the yen.
stairsA flight of stairs or a flight of steps.
underpinSupport (a building or other structure) from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level or by substituting stronger for weaker materials.
The theme of honour underpinning the two books.
uphillTowards the top of a hill or slope.
An uphill struggle to gain worldwide recognition.
upstairsOn or of upper floors of a building.
The upstairs maid.
upwardDirected up.
The cards were face upward.
vertically(with reference to passage of diseases) from one generation to the next.
Vertically stacked books.

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