Need another word that means the same as “main”? Find 44 synonyms and 30 related words for “main” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Main” are: independent, chief, master, primary, principal, head, leading, foremost, most important, major, ruling, dominant, central, focal, key, prime, premier, first, high, grand, fundamental, supreme, predominant, prominent, most prominent, paramount, overriding, cardinal, crucial, vital, critical, capital, pivotal, salient, elemental, essential, staple, intrinsic, urgent, briny, sea, ocean, deep, brine
Main as a Noun
Definitions of "Main" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “main” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A principal cable carrying electricity.
- The source of public water, gas, or electricity supply through pipes or cables.
- The open ocean.
- A principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage.
- Any very large body of (salt) water.
- A principal pipe carrying water or gas to buildings, or taking sewage from them.

Synonyms of "Main" as a noun (5 Words)
brine | A strong solution of salt and water used for pickling. The classic dirty martini includes a few drops of olive brine. |
briny | Any very large body of (salt) water. The vortices that suck ships to the bottom of the briny. |
deep | A deep part of the sea. In the deep of winter. |
ocean | Anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume. She had oceans of energy. |
sea | Used to refer to waves as opposed to calm sea. There was still some sea running. |

Usage Examples of "Main" as a noun
- The camcorder can be run directly off the mains.
- A faulty gas main.
- Switch off the mains supply.

Main as an Adjective
Definitions of "Main" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “main” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence.
- Chief in size or importance.
- Capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence.
- Most important element.
- Of force; of the greatest possible intensity.

Synonyms of "Main" as an adjective (39 Words)
capital | Uppercase. A capital idea. |
cardinal | Of the greatest importance; fundamental. Two cardinal points must be borne in mind. |
central | In or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area. The central cause of the problem. |
chief | Most important element. Chief among her concerns is working alone at night. |
critical | Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements. A critical illness. |
crucial | Having crucial relevance. Negotiations were at a crucial stage. |
dominant | Denoting the predominant species in a plant or animal community. It is the dominant gene causing polydactyly. |
elemental | Related to or embodying the powers of nature. A magical elemental desire. |
essential | (of an amino acid or fatty acid) required for normal growth but not synthesized in the body and therefore necessary in the diet. The essential feature. |
first | Highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections. The first day of spring. |
focal | (of a disease or medical condition) occurring in one particular site in the body. Focal point. |
foremost | Situated closest to the bow. The foremost compartment of the ship. |
fundamental | Far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something. Committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance. |
grand | Very good or enjoyable; excellent. Grand theft. |
head | Chief; principal. The head waiter. |
high | Being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension sometimes used in combinations like knee high. A round face with a high forehead. |
independent | Not controlled by outside forces. I wanted to remain independent in old age. |
intrinsic | Belonging to a thing by its very nature- John Dewey. Access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life. |
key | Of crucial importance. She became a key figure in the suffragette movement. |
leading | Having the leading position or higher score in a contest. We rode in the leading car. |
major | Of a premise containing the major term in a categorical syllogism. A major portion of the winnings. |
master | Denoting a person skilled in a particular trade and able to teach others. A master bricklayer. |
most important | The superlative of `much’ that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the’; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree. |
most prominent | Quantifier meaning the greatest in number. |
overriding | Having superior power and influence. The overriding concern of the organizers was the financial crisis. |
paramount | Having superior power and influence. A paramount chief. |
pivotal | Being of crucial importance. A sliding or pivotal motion. |
predominant | Having superior power and influence. The predominant political forces. |
premier | Preceding all others in time. The premiere showing. |
primary | Of primary importance. Seed eating birds and herbivorous insects are primary consumers. |
prime | From which another thing may derive or proceed. Any hospital with high costs is a prime candidate for closure. |
principal | First in order of importance; main. The country s principal cities. |
prominent | Projecting from something; protuberant. A man with big prominent eyes like a lobster s. |
ruling | Exercising power or authority. The ruling coalition. |
salient | Most noticeable or important. The salient object in my view. |
staple | Necessary or important, especially regarding food or commodities. Wheat is a staple crop. |
supreme | (of a penalty or sacrifice) involving death. Our comrades who made the supreme sacrifice. |
urgent | Of an action or event done or arranged in response to an urgent situation. Bridges in urgent need of repair. |
vital | Full of spirit. Secrecy is of vital importance. |

Usage Examples of "Main" as an adjective
- The main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb.
- By main strength.
- The main problem is one of resources.
- The main doors were of solid glass.
- A main road.

Associations of "Main" (30 Words)
basal | Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base. A basal reader. |
basic | Pertaining to or constituting a base or basis. Certain basic rules must be obeyed. |
capital | One of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis. Our capital concern was to avoid defeat. |
central | (of a vowel) articulated in the centre of the mouth. You re in workaholic central here. |
chief | An ordinary consisting of a broad horizontal band across the top of the shield. Chief among her concerns is working alone at night. |
elementary | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of elementary school or elementary education. An elementary astronomy course. |
elements | Violent or severe weather viewed as caused by the action of the four elements. They felt the full fury of the elements. |
essential | A thing that is absolutely necessary. The essentials of the good life. |
essentially | In essence; at bottom or by one’s (or its) very nature. Essentially they are amateurs. |
essentialness | Basic importance. |
foremost | Before anything else. One of the foremost art collectors of his day. |
fundamental | A fundamental note tone or frequency. A fundamental incompatibility between them. |
fundamentally | Used to make an emphatic statement about the basic truth of something. Fundamentally this is a matter for doctors. |
indispensable | Absolutely necessary. He made himself indispensable to the parish priest. |
key | Vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key. She keyed in a series of commands. |
leading | Having the leading position or higher score in a contest. The leading team in the pennant race. |
major | A major organization or competition. He had to undergo major surgery. |
originally | Before now. Potatoes originally came from South America. |
paramount | Having superior power and influence. The interests of the child are of paramount importance. |
premier | Preceding all others in time. The premiere showing. |
prerequisite | Something that is required in advance. The student must have the prerequisite skills. |
prima | Used primarily as eating apples. Prima donna. |
primal | Relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval. He preys on people s primal fears. |
primarily | Of primary import. This is primarily a question of economics. |
primary | A primary colour. There is a risk of famine in areas with low primary production from plants. |
prime | Cover with a primer apply a primer to. Prime a mine. |
principal | An actor who plays a principal role. The principal amount of your investment. |
rudimentary | Being in the earliest stages of development. These rudimentary truths. |
staple | A piece of thin wire with two short right angled end pieces which are driven by a stapler through sheets of paper to fasten them together. Staple the papers together. |
underlying | Lying or situated under something. Guaranteeing more dollars may temporarily ease their troubles but will not alleviate the underlying causes of their poverty. |