Need another word that means the same as “masterful”? Find 26 synonyms and 30 related words for “masterful” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Masterful” are: consummate, masterly, virtuoso, commanding, powerful, controlling, imposing, magisterial, lordly, authoritative, dominating, domineering, overbearing, overweening, imperious, bossy, peremptory, high-handed, arrogant, autocratic, dictatorial, tyrannical, despotic, expert, adept, clever
Masterful as an Adjective
Definitions of "Masterful" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “masterful” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Powerful and able to control others.
- Performed or performing very skilfully.
- Having or revealing supreme mastery or skill.

Synonyms of "Masterful" as an adjective (26 Words)
adept | Very skilled or proficient at something. She is adept at cutting through red tape. |
arrogant | Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. He s arrogant and opinionated. |
authoritative | (of a text) considered to be the best of its kind and unlikely to be improved upon. This is likely to become the authoritative study of the subject. |
autocratic | Relating to a ruler who has absolute power. A man with a reputation for an autocratic management style. |
bossy | Fond of giving people orders; domineering. Don t be so bossy. |
clever | Mentally quick and resourceful. A simple but clever idea for helping people learn computing. |
commanding | Used of a height or viewpoint. A commanding 13 6 lead. |
consummate | Perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities. She dressed with consummate elegance. |
controlling | Able to control or determine policy. A controlling interest in the firm. |
despotic | Of or typical of a despot; tyrannical. Moved from a feudal to a despotic order. |
dictatorial | Of or typical of a ruler with total power. His mother in law was somewhat dictatorial. |
dominating | Used of a height or viewpoint. Looked up at the castle dominating the countryside. |
domineering | Tending to domineer. How can I do my job with a domineering boss yelling in my ear. |
expert | Of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood. An expert job. |
high-handed | Given to haughty disregard of others. |
imperious | Arrogant and domineering. His imperious demands. |
imposing | Impressive in appearance. An imposing residence. |
lordly | Of or befitting a lord. They were putting on lordly airs. |
magisterial | Having or showing great authority. She reigned in magisterial beauty. |
masterly | Having or revealing supreme mastery or skill. His masterly account of rural France. |
overbearing | Expecting unquestioning obedience. Insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter. |
overweening | Showing excessive confidence or pride. No idea how overweening he would be. |
peremptory | Putting an end to all debate or action. Just do it came the peremptory reply. |
powerful | Of a person possessing physical strength and weight rugged and powerful. His photomontages are powerful anti war images. |
tyrannical | Marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior. A momentary quieting of her tyrannical appetite. |
virtuoso | Having or revealing supreme mastery or skill. A virtuoso performance. |

Usage Examples of "Masterful" as an adjective
- Masterful technique.
- He looked masculine and masterful.
- A masterful assessment of the difficulties.
- A masterful speaker.

Associations of "Masterful" (30 Words)
adept | Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field. Adept in handicrafts. |
adroit | Clever or skilful. His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers. |
artfully | In a disingenuous manner. Body scanners are turning up artfully concealed items. |
artistry | A superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation. The artistry of the pianist. |
astute | Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence. An astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease. |
cadenza | A brilliant solo passage occurring near the end of a piece of music. |
champion | Protect or fight for as a champion. He became the determined champion of a free press. |
clever | Mentally quick and resourceful. Joe had a feeling it wasn t too clever leaving Dolly alone. |
deft | Demonstrating skill and cleverness. The script was both deft and literate. |
dexterous | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. Dexterous of hand and inventive of mind. |
dextrous | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. |
expert | Of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood. An expert job. |
genius | Exceptional creative ability. That woman has a genius for organization. |
ingenious | Showing inventiveness and skill. Ingenious devices. |
intelligent | (of a device or building) able to vary its state or action in response to varying situations and past experience. An intelligent question. |
maven | Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field. The maven of vintage furniture. |
prodigy | A sign of something about to happen. Germany seemed a prodigy of industrial discipline. |
resourceful | Having inner resources; adroit or imaginative. He maintained her reputation for being a resourceful problem solver. |
shrewd | Acting with a specific goal. He was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow. |
skilled | Having or showing or requiring special skill. Skilled legal advice. |
skillful | Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. A lesser known but no less skillful composer. |
slyly | In an artful manner. The president smiled slyly unable to mask a look of triumph. |
smart | Intelligence; acumen. A smart restaurant. |
specialty | A distinguishing trait. |
superstar | An extremely famous and successful performer or sports player. Despite their superstar status the band refuse to change their lifestyle. |
veteran | A person who has had long experience in a particular field. A Vietnam veteran. |
violin | A stringed musical instrument of treble pitch played with a horsehair bow The classical European violin was developed in the 16th century It has four strings and a body of characteristic rounded shape narrowed at the middle and with two f shaped soundholes. |
virtuoso | A person with a special knowledge of or interest in works of art or curios. A celebrated clarinet virtuoso. |
wizardry | Very impressive or ingenious technology or devices. The car is full of hi tech wizardry. |
workmanlike | Showing efficient competence but not inspiration. The book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index. |