MIGRATING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MIGRATING?

Need another word that means the same as “migrating”? Find 30 related words for “migrating” in this overview.

Associations of "Migrating" (30 Words)

aboardOn base as a runner.
Anchored close aboard another ship.
airborne(of an aircraft) in the air after taking off.
The shuttle was airborne.
aircraftA vehicle that can fly.
ambulatoryRelating to or adapted for walking.
Five similar pairs of ambulatory legs.
ballooningFlying in a balloon.
He took up ballooning in 1907.
continentalAn inhabitant of mainland Europe.
Continental Europe.
cruiseDrive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure.
He cruised the gay bars of Los Angeles.
disembarkationThe act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraft.
driftBe in motion due to some air or water current.
I noticed my audience s attention drifting.
embarkPut or take on board a ship or aircraft.
The passengers were ready to be embarked.
gallivantWander aimlessly in search of pleasure.
She quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe.
goVigorous activity.
We ve a long way to go.
internationalA player who has taken part in an international game or contest.
An international agreement.
itinerateTravel from place to place, as for work.
Regular use of itinerating magistrates was made.
maneuverableCapable of maneuvering or changing position.
A highly maneuverable ship.
migrationThe periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding.
This butterfly s annual migration across North America.
migratoryRelating to animal migration.
The migratory route for whale sharks.
mobileA mobile phone.
A mobile missile system.
mobilityThe ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
This exercise helps retain mobility in the damaged joints.
moveCause to move or shift into a new position or place both in a concrete and in an abstract sense.
The school moved over to the new course in 1987.
navigationThe passage of ships.
Most of the navigation from Wormley to Tottenham was frozen.
The nomadic habits of the Bedouins.
roamUse a mobile phone on another operator’s network, typically while abroad.
The gypsies roamed the woods.
roving(of a person in relation to their job) travelling or required to travel to different locations.
Roving bands of armed protesters.
transferableLegally transferable to the ownership of another.
Transferable skills.
transitRevolve the telescope of a surveying transit about its horizontal transverse axis in order to reverse its direction.
At the end of February Jupiter transits the meridian.
transnationalInvolving or operating in several nations or nationalities.
Transnational terrorist networks.
travelTravel from place to place as for the purpose of finding work preaching or acting as a judge.
Two proximity switches detect when the valve has reached the end of its travel.
tripMake a trip for pleasure.
Trips and falls cause nearly half of all accidents.
wanderingTravelling about without any clear destination.
A wandering preacher.

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