Categories: GeneralSynonyms

MINGLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MINGLE?

Need another word that means the same as “mingle”? Find 28 synonyms and 30 related words for “mingle” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Mingle” are: jumble, amalgamate, commix, mix, unify, blend, intermingle, commingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, unite, join, meld, marry, mesh, compound, coalesce, socialize, circulate, fraternize, associate with others, rub shoulders, get together, consort with others

Mingle as a Verb

Definitions of "Mingle" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “mingle” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Get involved or mixed-up with.
  • Move among and engage with others at a social function.
  • Be all mixed up or jumbled together.
  • Mix or cause to mix together.
  • To bring or combine together or with something else.

Synonyms of "Mingle" as a verb (28 Words)

amalgamateCombine or unite to form one organization or structure.
Amalgamated zinc.
associate with othersKeep company with; hang out with.
blendBlend or harmonize.
Blend the cornflour with a tablespoon of water.
circulateSend copies of a letter or leaflet to (a group of people.
Rumours of his arrest circulated.
coalesceFuse or cause to grow together.
The puddles had coalesced into shallow streams.
combineCombine so as to form a whole mix.
An ideal place to combine shopping and sightseeing.
commingleMix or blend.
The part of the brain where the senses commingle.
commixMix; mingle.
Beat them till they be thoroughly commixed.
compoundReckon (interest) on previously accumulated interest.
A dialect compounded of Spanish and Dutch.
consort with othersKeep company with; hang out with.
fraternizeAssociate or form a friendship with someone, especially when one is not supposed to.
She ignored Elisabeth's warning glare against fraternizing with the enemy.
fuseProvide a circuit or electrical appliance with a fuse.
Powdered glass was fused to a metal base.
get togetherUndergo (as of injuries and illnesses.
interlaceCross or be crossed intricately together; interweave.
Jane interlaced her fingers to form a cup.
intermingleMix or mingle together.
We don t intermingle much.
intermixCombine into one.
The ore had to be handled so that it was not inadvertently intermixed with other material.
interweaveWeave or become woven together.
The rugs are made by tightly interweaving the strands.
joinBe or become joined or united or linked.
She joined the department last year.
jumbleBe all mixed up or jumbled together.
His words jumbled.
marrySplice (rope ends) together without increasing their girth.
Eric asked me to marry him.
meldLose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually.
The nylon bristles shrivel and meld together.
mergeCombine or cause to combine to form a single entity.
The cells merge.
meshEntangle or catch in or as if in a mesh.
One gear meshes with the input gear.
mixMix together different elements.
Peppercorns are sometimes mixed with other spices.
rub shouldersMove over something with pressure.
socializePartcipate in social activities; mix socially with others.
Health care should be socialized.
unifyTo bring or combine together or with something else.
Opposition groups struggling to unify around the goal of replacing the regime.
uniteAct in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief.
The two Germanys officially united.

Usage Examples of "Mingle" as a verb

  • A chance to mingle with celebs.
  • The sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs.
  • A smell which mingled disinfectant and soap.
  • Resourcefully he mingled music and dance.

Associations of "Mingle" (30 Words)

amalgamAn alloy of mercury with another metal usually silver used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams.
Amalgam fillings.
amalgamateCombine or unite to form one organization or structure.
Numerous small British railway companies amalgamated.
blendBlend or harmonize.
The tea is blended using leaves from estates in Sri Lanka Kenya India and Indonesia.
blendingThe act of blending components together thoroughly.
Clever cultural blendings.
coalesceCome together to form one mass or whole.
His idea served to coalesce all that happened into one connected whole.
combinationA sequence of numbers or letters that opens a combination lock.
A good uppercut hook combination.
combineCombine so as to form a whole mix.
Oxygen and hydrogen do not combine at room temperatures.
commingleMix together different elements.
The part of the brain where the senses commingle.
compoundComposed of more than one partcompound flower heads.
Compound flower heads.
conflateMix together different elements.
The urban crisis conflates a number of different economic political and social issues.
conjugateA mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions one of A in B and another of B in A.
E coli only conjugate when one of the cells possesses fertility genes.
hodgepodgeA confused mixture; a hotchpotch.
Rob s living room was a hodgepodge of modern furniture and antiques.
integrateBecome one become integrated.
Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.
intermingleMix or mingle together.
Riesling grapes were always intermingled with other varieties.
intermixMix together.
Along its southern edge low trees intermix with the shrubs.
joinBe or become joined or united or linked.
Our paths joined.
jumbleArticles collected for a jumble sale.
We are collecting jumble for charity.
melangeA varied mixture.
A melange of tender vegetables and herbs.
meldA thing formed by melding a combination.
The nylon bristles shrivel and meld together.
mergeAbsorb (a title or estate) in another.
He agreed to merge his broadcasting company with a multinational concern.
messHave one s meals with a particular person especially as a member of an armed forces mess.
They had some problems with dogs messing in the store.
mixA version of a recording in which the component tracks are mixed in a different way from the original.
He continues to mix an off hand sense of humour with a sharp insight.
mixtureAn event that combines things in a mixture.
The old town is a mixture of narrow medieval streets and 18th century architecture.
muddleInformal terms for a difficult situation.
The finances were in a muddle.
patchworkSewing consisting of pieces of different materials sewn together in a pattern.
A patchwork bedspread.
synthesisThe combination of components or elements to form a connected whole.
The synthesis of intellect and emotion in his work.
unifyBecome one.
Opposition groups struggling to unify around the goal of replacing the regime.
uniteAct in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief.
The two Germanys officially united.
unitedJoined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings.
Presented a united front.
weldForge an article by welding.
Her gratitude welded her to him.

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