Need another word that means the same as “modern”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “modern” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Modern as a Noun
- Definitions of "Modern" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Modern" as a noun (3 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Modern" as a noun
- Modern as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Modern" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Modern" as an adjective (32 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Modern" as an adjective
- Associations of "Modern" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Modern” are: mod, modernistic, new, advanced, forward-looking, innovative, present-day, contemporary, present, current, latter-day, recent, latest, fashionable, in fashion, in, in style, in vogue, up to date, up to the minute, all the rage, trendsetting, stylish, voguish, modish, chic, smart, the latest, newest, newfangled, fresh, progressive, bodoni, bodoni font, modern font
Modern as a Noun
Definitions of "Modern" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “modern” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A person who advocates or practises a departure from traditional styles or values.
- A contemporary person.
- A typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes.

Synonyms of "Modern" as a noun (3 Words)
bodoni | Italian printer who designed the Bodoni font (1740-1813. |
bodoni font | A typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes. |
modern font | A contemporary person. |

Usage Examples of "Modern" as a noun
- They were moderns, they must not look back towards the old generation.

Modern as an Adjective
Definitions of "Modern" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “modern” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Denoting a current or recent style or trend in art, architecture, or other cultural activity marked by a significant departure from traditional styles and values.
- Belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages.
- Relating to a recently developed fashion or style.
- Characterized by or using the most up-to-date techniques, ideas, or equipment.
- Denoting the form of a language that is currently used, as opposed to any earlier form.
- Ahead of the times.
- Relating to a recently developed fashion or style.
- Characteristic of present-day art and music and literature and architecture.
- Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
- Used of a living language; being the current stage in its development.

Synonyms of "Modern" as an adjective (32 Words)
advanced | Ahead of the times. Special seminars for small groups of advanced students at the University. |
all the rage | Completely given to or absorbed by. |
chic | Elegantly and stylishly fashionable. She looked every inch the chic Frenchwoman. |
contemporary | Dating from the same time. The composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart. |
current | Belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now. Current psychoanalytic theories. |
fashionable | Popular and considered appealing or fashionable at the time. Fashionable clothes. |
forward-looking | Ahead of the times. |
fresh | Not canned or otherwise preserved. One truck driver decided to get fresh with me. |
in | Of the ball in tennis and similar games landing within the designated playing area. The in thing to do. |
in fashion | Currently fashionable. |
in style | Currently fashionable. |
in vogue | Currently fashionable. |
innovative | Being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before. Stylistically innovative works. |
latest | In the current fashion or style. The very latest scientific discoveries. |
latter-day | Belonging to the present or recent times. |
mod | Modern. Tables in modernistic designs. |
modernistic | Relating to a recently developed fashion or style. Tables in modernistic designs. |
modish | In the current fashion or style. It seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this modish jargon. |
new | Gratuitously new. My new car is four years old but has only 15 000 miles on it. |
newest | In use after medieval times. |
newfangled | Different from what one is used to; objectionably new. Newfangled ideas. |
present | Fully focused on or involved in what one is doing or experiencing. She did not expect to find herself in her present situation. |
present-day | Belonging to the present time. |
progressive | Advancing in severity. Progressive euchre. |
recent | New. A recent issue of the journal. |
smart | (of a device) programmed so as to be capable of some independent action. Hi tech smart weapons. |
stylish | Having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress. A stylish batsman. |
the latest | Up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date. |
trendsetting | Initiating or popularizing a trend. |
up to date | Operating properly. |
up to the minute | Getting higher or more vigorous. |
voguish | Popular or in fashion at a particular time. He wore the costume of an art dealer from some voguish New York hangout of the late sixties. |

Usage Examples of "Modern" as an adjective
- Tables in modernistic designs.
- The pace of modern life.
- Modern German.
- Their offices are in a modern skyscraper.
- Modern history.
- Totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric.
- They do not have modern weapons.
- Modern furniture.
- Matisse's contribution to modern art.
- Modern art.
- Modern European history.

Associations of "Modern" (30 Words)
chic | Stylishness and elegance, typically of a specified kind. The hotel s lobby and restaurant are the height of designer chic. |
coeval | A person of nearly the same age as another. These lavas were coeval with the volcanic activity. |
contemporary | A person or thing living or existing at the same time as another. The event was recorded by a contemporary historian. |
craze | An interest followed with exaggerated zeal. The new craze for step aerobics. |
current | A flow of electricity through a conductor. Magnetic fields are produced by currents flowing in the cables. |
currently | At the present time. The EC is currently attempting greater economic integration. |
fad | An arbitrary like or dislike. Some regard green politics as no more than the latest fad. |
faddish | Intensely fashionable or popular for a short period of time. Superficial faddish approaches to spirituality. |
fashion | How something is done or how it happens. The latest Parisian fashions. |
fashionable | Popular and considered appealing or fashionable at the time. They risked being scoffed at by their more fashionable friends. |
freshly | Newly; recently. Freshly ground black pepper. |
lately | In the recent past. Lately the rules have been enforced. |
latest | Up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date. The latest news. |
modish | Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable. It seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this modish jargon. |
newly | Very recently. They are newly married. |
now | Used to preface a command or reproof or request. Goods now on sale. |
nowadays | In these times. Nowadays many people condemn hunting. |
presently | At this time or period; now. There are presently 1 128 people on the waiting list. |
recency | A time immediately before the present. |
recent | Of the immediate past or just previous to the present time. His recent trip to Africa. |
recently | At a recent time; not long ago. I recently bought a CD player. |
shortly | For a short time. The flight was hijacked shortly after takeoff. |
sophistication | Falsification by the use of sophistry; misleading by means of specious fallacies. The technological sophistication of their products. |
stylish | Neat, confident, and skilful. The stylish resort of Gstadd. |
superego | That part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience. True schizophrenias lack the superego elements present in paranoia. |
today | In these times. Today is a rest day. |
ultramodern | Extremely modern. Dadism and ultramodern art. |
up-to-date | A meeting arranged in advance. |
urbanity | Courteousness and refinement of manner. There is an important difference between rusticity and urbanity. |
whereabouts | The general location where something is. Whereabouts do you come from. |