Need another word that means the same as “morbid”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “morbid” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Morbid” are: ghoulish, diseased, pathologic, pathological, macabre, unhealthy, gruesome, grisly, grotesque, ghastly, horrible, unwholesome
Morbid as an Adjective
Definitions of "Morbid" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “morbid” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease.
- Suggesting the horror of death and decay.
- Suggesting an unhealthy mental state.
- Of the nature of or indicative of disease.
- Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology.

Synonyms of "Morbid" as an adjective (12 Words)
diseased | Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology. Diseased trees. |
ghastly | Very objectionable, bad, or unpleasant. One of the most ghastly crimes ever committed. |
ghoulish | Morbidly interested in death or disaster. She told the story with ghoulish relish. |
grisly | Causing horror or disgust. A grisly murder. |
grotesque | Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous. A lifestyle of grotesque luxury. |
gruesome | Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. Gruesome catering. |
horrible | Causing or likely to cause horror; shocking. War is beyond all words horrible. |
macabre | Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. A macabre series of murders. |
pathologic | Caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology. Pathologic tissue. |
pathological | Relating to pathology. A pathological liar. |
unhealthy | Not having or showing good health. Unhealthy ulcers. |
unwholesome | Detrimental to physical or moral well-being. Unwholesome food. |

Usage Examples of "Morbid" as an adjective
- Morbid curiosity.
- His morbid fascination with the horrors of contemporary warfare.
- Morbid interest in death.
- Morbid details.
- A morbid growth.
- The treatment of morbid obesity.

Associations of "Morbid" (30 Words)
absorption | A process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid. Her absorption in the problems of the Third World. |
assimilation | The social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another. Nitrate assimilation usually takes place in leaves. |
asthmatic | A person who suffers from asthma. The painful gasps of a dying asthmatic. |
complexion | The coloring of a person’s face. The complexion of the game changed. |
concentration | Strengthening the concentration as of a solute in a mixture by removing diluting material. The island has the greatest concentration of seabirds in the north west. |
dotage | Mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations. You could live here and look after me in my dotage. |
fetish | An inanimate object worshipped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit. A foot fetish. |
fixation | An obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something. During the period of total blindness there was a complete absence of visual fixation. |
immersion | The act of wetting something by submerging it. His back was still raw from immersion in the icy Atlantic sea. |
indisposed | (usually followed by `to’) strongly opposed. Feeling a bit indisposed today. |
infatuation | A foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration. He had developed an infatuation with the girl. |
infirmity | Physical or mental weakness. Old age and infirmity come to men and women alike. |
malnourished | Suffering from malnutrition. |
nauseous | Affected with nausea; feeling inclined to vomit. Nauseous offal. |
neurotic | A neurotic person. He seemed a neurotic self obsessed character. |
obsession | The state of being obsessed with someone or something. He was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist. |
obsessive | Affected by an obsession. He s an obsessive obsessed with having complete collections of things. |
pathological | Involving or caused by a physical or mental disease. A pathological urge to succeed. |
poisonous | Not safe to eat. Poisonous chemicals. |
preoccupation | A subject or matter that engrosses someone. Their main preoccupation was how to feed their families. |
sallow | Cause to become sallow. Sallow faced addicts. |
sick | People who are sick. Sick to death of flattery. |
sickness | The feeling or fact of being affected with nausea or vomiting. A great sickness of his judgment. |
starving | The act of depriving of food or subjecting to famine. The world s starving children. |
surround | Surround with a wall in order to fortify. Troops surrounded the parliament building. |
twisted | Forced out of its natural or proper shape; crumpled. Suffering a twisted ankle he was carried from the field. |
underweight | Having less investment in a particular area than is normal or desirable. Underweighted assets. |
unhealthy | (of a person’s attitude or behaviour) not sensible or well balanced. Unhealthy ulcers. |
unwholesome | Detrimental to physical or moral well-being. Unwholesome food. |
worm | The threaded cylinder in a worm gear. I wormed my way along the roadside ditch. |