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MURMUR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MURMUR?

Need another word that means the same as “murmur”? Find 50 synonyms and 30 related words for “murmur” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Murmur” are: heart murmur, grumble, grumbling, murmuring, mutter, muttering, murmuration, mussitation, murmur vowel, burble, babble, purl, gurgle, hum, humming, buzz, buzzing, whir, thrum, drone, sigh, whisper, undertone, mumble, complaint, moan, grouse, croak, gnarl, complain, carp, whine, bleat, talk under one's breath, speak in an undertone, speak softly, speak sotto voce, speak in hushed tones, rustle, rumble

Murmur as a Noun

Definitions of "Murmur" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “murmur” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant.
  • A rumour.
  • A low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech.
  • A complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone.
  • A softly spoken or almost inaudible utterance.
  • An abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves.
  • A low continuous background noise.
  • A recurring sound heard in the heart through a stethoscope that is usually a sign of disease or damage.
  • The quiet or subdued expression of a particular feeling by a group of people.

Synonyms of "Murmur" as a noun (27 Words)

babbleThe continuous murmuring sound of flowing water.
A confused babble of voices.
burbleRambling speech.
The steady burble of running water.
buzzThe sound of a buzzer or telephone.
There is a real buzz about the place.
buzzingA confusion of activity and gossip.
A persistent buzzing roused Haig from a dream.
complaintA pleading describing some wrong or offense.
There were complaints that the building was an eyesore.
droneA musical instrument or part of one sounding a continuous note of low pitch in particular also drone pipe a pipe in a bagpipe or also drone string a string in an instrument such as a hurdy gurdy or a sitar.
A photographer used a drone to take some unconventional photos of the countryside.
grouseThe flesh of the grouse as food.
grumbleA complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone.
The main grumble is that he spends too much time away.
grumblingA complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone.
There were grumblings from the trustees.
gurgleA gurgling sound.
Catherine gave a gurgle of laughter.
heart murmurThe courage to carry on.
humA humming noise.
A low hum of conversation.
hummingA humming noise.
moanA sound resembling a human moan.
She gave a low moan of despair.
mumbleA quiet and indistinct utterance.
Rosie had replied in a mumble.
murmur vowelA schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant.
murmurationThe action of murmuring.
The murmuration of a flock of warblers.
murmuringA schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant.
The murmuring of the River Derwent.
mussitationA low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech.
mutterA barely audible utterance, especially one expressing dissatisfaction or irritation.
A little mutter of disgust.
mutteringA low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech.
There were disloyal mutterings about his leadership.
purlAn ornamental edging of lace or ribbon.
sighA sound like a person sighing.
She let out a long sigh of despair.
thrumA thrumming sound.
He could hear the thrum of a banjo.
undertoneAn underlying quality or feeling.
They were talking in undertones.
whirA whirring sound.
The whir of the propellers.
whisperA soft or confidential tone of voice a whispered word or phrase.
The thunder of the surf became a muted whisper.

Usage Examples of "Murmur" as a noun

  • She had been born with a heart murmur.
  • He had heard hints only, murmurs.
  • The distant murmur of traffic.
  • There were murmurs of dissent from his colleagues.
  • A quiet murmur of thanks.

Murmur as a Verb

Definitions of "Murmur" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “murmur” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Say something in a low or indistinct voice.
  • Make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath.
  • Express one's discontent about (someone or something) in a subdued manner.
  • Speak softly or indistinctly.
  • Make a low continuous sound.

Synonyms of "Murmur" as a verb (23 Words)

bleatTalk whiningly.
The lambs were bleating.
burbleSpeak continuously and at length in an unintelligible or confused way.
The air no longer flows smoothly over the wing but burbles and slows down decreasing lift.
carpRaise trivial objections.
complainExpress complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness.
Let the warbling flute complain.
croakOf a person make a sound similar to a croak when speaking or laughing.
Without croaking it may be observed that our government is upon a dangerous experiment.
gnarlTwist into a state of deformity.
The wind has gnarled this old tree.
grouseHunt grouse.
grumbleMake a low rumbling sound.
He grumbled a rude response.
moanMake a sound resembling a human moan.
Just then their patient moaned and opened his eyes.
mumbleSay something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.
She mumbled a piece of black bread.
mutterSay something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.
He muttered something under his breath.
purlKnit with a purl stitch.
Knit one purl one.
rumble(especially of a large vehicle) move with a rumbling sound.
Heavy lorries rumbled through the streets.
rustleMove with a rustling sound.
Rustle cattle.
sighHeave or utter a sigh breathe deeply and heavily.
Harry sank into a chair and sighed with relief.
speak in an undertoneExpress in speech.
speak in hushed tonesExpress in speech.
speak softlyMake a characteristic or natural sound.
speak sotto voceUse language.
talk under one's breathReveal information.
whineComplain in a feeble or petulant way.
The dog whined and scratched at the back door.
whirMake a soft swishing sound.
The motor whirred.
whisper(of leaves, wind, or water) rustle or murmur softly.
Alison was whispering in his ear.

Usage Examples of "Murmur" as a verb

  • ‘How interesting,’ he murmured quietly.
  • She murmured softly to the baby in her arms.
  • Now they do not simply murmur against him, they quarrel noisily with him.
  • Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away.
  • The wind was murmuring through the trees.

Associations of "Murmur" (30 Words)

ambiguousHaving more than one possible meaning.
The polling had a complex and equivocal or ambiguous message for potential female candidates.
ambiguouslyIn an ambiguous manner.
A peculiar ambiguously remembered landscape where past and present seem repeatedly confounded.
babbleThe sound of people talking simultaneously.
He babbled to another convict while he was in jail.
babblingGibberish resembling the sounds of a baby.
The constant babbling of the kids.
chatterCut unevenly with a chattering tool.
She was chattering about her holiday.
equivocal(of a person) using ambiguous or evasive language.
Popularity is an equivocal crown.
equivocateUse ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.
The government have equivocated too often in the past.
equivocationFalsification by means of vague or ambiguous language.
I say this without equivocation.
evasionThe act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver.
His evasion of his clear duty was reprehensible.
evasiveAvoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire.
They decided to take evasive action.
gibberSpeak rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock.
They shrieked and gibbered as flames surrounded them.
grumbleMake a low rumbling sound.
Stones grumbled down the cliff.
hesitateInterrupt temporarily an activity before continuing.
Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures.
incoherentNot logical or internally consistent.
Incoherent with grief.
inconclusiveNot leading to a firm conclusion or result; not ending doubt or dispute.
Inconclusive evidence.
indeterminateNot capable of being determined.
A zillion is a large indeterminate number.
maunderSpeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.
Dennis maundered on about the wine.
mumbleSay something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.
The old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food.
mutterA low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech.
Back benchers were muttering about the next reshuffle.
nonsenseOrnamental objects of no great value.
The proposal would make a nonsense of their plans.
palaverFlattery intended to persuade.
An hour of aimless palaver.
palterBe deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.
If you palter or double in your answers I will have thee hung alive in an iron chain.
prattleSpeak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.
Do you intend to keep up this childish prattle.
prevaricateSpeak or act in an evasive way.
He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions.
prevaricationIntentionally vague or ambiguous.
slurMark notes with a slur.
Essential attributes are being slurred over or ignored.
smudgeMake a smudge on soil by smudging.
He had a smudge on his cheek.
stutterA tendency to stutter while speaking.
She flinched as a machine gun stuttered nearby.
unclearPoorly stated or described.
Their future remains unclear.
vagueThinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way.
Saw a vague outline of a building through the fog.

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