MUSEUM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MUSEUM?

Need another word that means the same as “museum”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “museum” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Museum” are: record office, registry, repository, chancery

Museum as a Noun

Definitions of "Museum" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “museum” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A building in which objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.
  • A depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value.

Synonyms of "Museum" as a noun (4 Words)

chanceryA public record office.
record officeA document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction.
registryAn official written record of names or events or transactions.
MI5 maintains a large registry of files on individuals and organizations.
repositoryA place where or receptacle in which things are or may be stored.
The metadata will be aggregated in a repository.

Usage Examples of "Museum" as a noun

  • A museum curator.
  • The museum is noted for its fine fossil collection.
  • It is difficult to avoid the feeling that the city is now a living museum.
  • The Museum of Modern Art.

Associations of "Museum" (30 Words)

archivePlace or store something in an archive.
Source materials in local archives.
archivesCollection of records especially about an institution.
archivistA person who maintains and is in charge of archives.
carveCut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.
The company has carved a name for itself in the smartphone market.
curatorThe custodian of a collection (as a museum or library.
The curator of drawings at the National Gallery.
demonstrateProvide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes.
Computerized design methods will be demonstrated.
depositoryA facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping.
Irish libraries became depositories for material from all over the world.
dinosaurAny of numerous extinct terrestrial reptiles of the Mesozoic era.
documentSupport or accompany with documentation.
Can you document your claims.
effigyA sculpture or model of a person.
Angry campaigners plan to burn an effigy of the social security minister.
embossRaise in a relief.
Embossed stationery.
exhibitGive an exhibition of to an interested audience.
She was invited to exhibit at several French museums.
extinctionThe act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning.
Mass extinctions.
inscriptionA short message (as in a book or musical work or on a photograph) dedicating it to someone or something.
The inscription on her headstone.
librarianA person in charge of or assisting in a library.
libraryA collection of books and periodicals held in a library.
A record library.
memorialA record or memoir.
A memorial to General Robert E Lee.
monolithicFormed of a single large block of stone.
A monolithic society.
monumentA statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event.
A monument to Magellan is in the main square of the city.
monumentalRelating or belonging to or serving as a monument.
Einstein s monumental contributions to physics.
preserveFruit preserved by cooking with sugar.
Preserved meats.
pterodactylA pterosaur of the late Jurassic period, with a long slender head and neck and a very short tail.
recordSound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove.
The lawyer has a good record.
repositoryA person to whom a secret is entrusted.
A deep repository for nuclear waste.
safekeepingThe responsibility of a guardian or keeper.
She d put her wedding ring in her purse for safekeeping.
sculptureForm or shape as if by sculpture especially with strong smooth curves.
The boundary between painting and sculpture is displaced.
statuaryThe art or practice of making statues.
Classical statuary.
statueA sculpture representing a human or animal.
statuesqueReminiscent of a statue in size, posture, or stillness.
Frozen statuesque attitudes.
tombstoneA large, flat inscribed stone standing or laid over a grave.
His grin exposed his yellowed teeth like a row of tombstones.

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