Need another word that means the same as “muttered”? Find 30 related words for “muttered” in this overview.
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Associations of "Muttered" (30 Words)
babble | Flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise. The babble of a brook. |
babbling | The continuous murmuring sound of flowing water. You sound like a babbling fool. |
chatter | Cut unevenly with a chattering tool. He was full of inconsequential but amusing chatter. |
complain | Express complaints discontent displeasure or unhappiness. Local authorities complained that they lacked sufficient resources. |
equivocate | Use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself. The government have equivocated too often in the past. |
equivocation | A statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth. I say this without equivocation. |
evasive | Directed towards avoidance or escape. His answers were brief constrained and evasive. |
gibber | Speak rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock. They shrieked and gibbered as flames surrounded them. |
gibberish | Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense. He talks gibberish. |
gripe | Secure a boat with gripes. He seized me by the arms with a rude gripe. |
grouch | A trivial complaint. Rock s foremost poet and ill mannered grouch. |
grumble | Make complaining remarks or noises under one’s breath. The main grumble is that he spends too much time away. |
impediment | A defect in a person’s speech, such as a lisp or stammer. A serious impediment to scientific progress. |
incoherent | Of waves having no stable definite or stable phase relation. He was incoherent with sentiment. |
maunder | Talk in a rambling manner. He maunders through the bank composing his thoughts. |
mumble | Say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear. The old man had no teeth left and mumbled his food. |
murmur | A low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech. He had heard hints only murmurs. |
muttering | A privately expressed complaint or expression of dissatisfaction. There were disloyal mutterings about his leadership. |
nonsense | Foolish or unacceptable behaviour. He was talking absolute nonsense. |
palaver | Lengthy and unproductive discussion. There s a lot of palaver involved. |
palter | Equivocate or prevaricate in action or speech. This great work should not be paltered with. |
prattle | Foolish or inconsequential talk. She began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist. |
prevaricate | Be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information. He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions. |
rumble | Discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator. It wouldn t need a genius to rumble my little game. |
slur | Speak disparagingly of e g make a racial slur. It is difficult for a woman to understand a man s sensitivity to any slur on his virility. |
speak | Utter (a word, message, etc. I wish to speak privately with you. |
stammer | A tendency to stammer. I I can t Isabel stammered. |
stutter | A tendency to stutter while speaking. He shyly stuttered out an invitation to the cinema. |
talk | Discussion talk about is a less formal alternative for discussion of. He can talk as well as you or I can. |
whisper | A soft or confidential tone of voice a whispered word or phrase. The thunder of the surf became a muted whisper. |