Need another word that means the same as “obligated”? Find 30 related words for “obligated” in this overview.
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Associations of "Obligated" (30 Words)
accountability | Responsibility to someone or for some activity. Lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders. |
accountable | Required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible. Governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves. |
appreciate | Gain in value. Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter. |
appreciative | Having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion. The team are very appreciative of your support. |
beholden | Owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service. I don t like to be beholden to anybody. |
binding | One of a pair of mechanical devices that are attached to a ski and that will grip a ski boot the bindings should release in case of a fall. The book had a leather binding. |
compel | Force or oblige (someone) to do something. By heav n s high will compell d from shore to shore. |
debtor | A person, country, or organization that owes money. Debtor countries. |
demonstrably | In a way that is clearly apparent or capable of being logically proved. The claim is demonstrably false. |
duty | (of a visit or other undertaking) done from a sense of moral obligation rather than for pleasure. Juliet reported for duty. |
grateful | Received or experienced with gratitude; welcome. She gave him a grateful smile. |
indebted | Under a legal obligation to someone. Heavily indebted countries. |
indispensable | Absolutely necessary. He made himself indispensable to the parish priest. |
justified | Having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason. The doctors were justified in treating her. |
legally | By law; conforming to the law. The weapons were purchased legally. |
liable | Held legally responsible. Non resident trustees are liable to the basic rate of tax. |
mandatory | Required by law or mandate; compulsory. He did not want the guidelines to be mandatory. |
manumission | Release from slavery. A leading advocate of manumission. |
morally | In a way that is considered right according to the code of behaviour of a particular society. People expected the government to behave morally. |
must | Expressing insistence. Seat belts are an absolute must. |
necessary | The action or item needed. A bag containing my wallet the money the necessary. |
obligate | Require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral duty. The money must be obligated within 30 days. |
obligatory | Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory. Attendance is obligatory. |
require | Require as useful just or proper. We require our secretary to be on time. |
required | Required by rule. The corset the garment that ensured the required female shape. |
responsibility | The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. We expect individuals to take on more responsibility. |
responsible | Being the primary cause of something and so able to be blamed or credited for it. She had risen rapidly to a high and responsible position in the civil service. |
thank | Used ironically to assign blame or responsibility for something. Mac thanked her for the meal and left. |
thankful | Pleased and relieved. A thankful smile. |
vital | The body’s important internal organs. A vital living organism. |