Need another word that means the same as “once”? Find 17 synonyms and 30 related words for “once” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Once” are: in one case, erst, erstwhile, formerly, ever, under any circumstances, in a million years, previously, in the past, once upon a time, in days gone by, in times gone by, back in the day, in times past, in the old days, in the good old days, long ago
Once as an Adverb
Definitions of "Once" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “once” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- As soon as.
- On one occasion or for one time only.
- On even one occasion; at all (used for emphasis.
- At a previous time.
- At some time in the past; formerly.
- Multiplied by one.
- At a previous time.
- On one occasion.

Synonyms of "Once" as an adverb (17 Words)
back in the day | In or to or toward an original condition. |
erst | At a previous time. Her erstwhile writing. |
erstwhile | At a previous time. Mary Anderson erstwhile the queen of America s stage. |
ever | At all times all the time and on every occasion. Why ever did you do it. |
formerly | At a previous time. Mumbai formerly Bombay. |
in a million years | To or toward the inside of. |
in days gone by | To or toward the inside of. |
in one case | To or toward the inside of. |
in the good old days | To or toward the inside of. |
in the old days | To or toward the inside of. |
in the past | To or toward the inside of. |
in times gone by | To or toward the inside of. |
in times past | To or toward the inside of. |
long ago | For an extended distance. |
once upon a time | As soon as. |
previously | At a previous or earlier time; before. She had previously lived in Chicago. |
under any circumstances | Down below. |

Usage Examples of "Once" as an adverb
- Once I ran into her.
- If she once got an idea in her head you'd never move it.
- He never once complained.
- She was a dancer once.
- Once two is two.
- They deliver once a week.
- Gran had once been a famous singer.

Associations of "Once" (30 Words)
biannual | Occurring or payable twice each year. The biannual meeting of the planning committee. |
bout | An attack of illness or strong emotion. Occasional bouts of strenuous exercise. |
colonnade | Structure consisting of a row of evenly spaced columns. |
conglomerate | Relating to a conglomerate especially a large corporation. Atoms which conglomerate at the centre. |
consecutively | In unbroken or logical sequence. The drives are just numbered consecutively. |
diatomic | Consisting of two atoms. Only diatomic molecules are easy to study in this way as larger molecules invariably fragment. |
double | A double measure of spirits. Double chrysanthemums have many rows of petals and are usually spherical or hemispherical. |
doubled | Twice as great or many. The dose is doubled. |
doubly | Two times or in two ways. Doubly mutant cells. |
dual | A theorem expression etc that is dual to another. Though there are no plans to dual the road a public consultation on the A64 is set to start before the end of the year. |
multiple | Having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual. A multiple pile up. |
multiplication | The process or skill of multiplying. These formulae involve a number of multiplications. |
one | Being a single entity made by combining separate components. One place or another. |
only | Being the only one single and isolated from others. I ll have this car and this car only. |
plural | A plural word or form. The meanings of the text are plural. |
quadruple | A quadruple number or amount. A quadruple murder. |
redouble | A call that doubles a bid already doubled by an opponent. Pressure to solve the problem has redoubled. |
repetition | A training exercise which is repeated, especially a series of repeated raisings and lowerings of the weight in weight training. Her comments are worthy of repetition. |
second | In the second place. Her view is seconded by most Indian leaders today. |
secondarily | As a secondary consequence; subsequently. The lesions often ulcerate and become secondarily infected. |
single | Characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing. A single serving. |
ten | One of four playing cards in a deck with ten pips on the face. |
three | One of four playing cards in a deck having three pips. |
times | An arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed. You times the six by four to get twenty four. |
trinity | A group of three people or things. The wine was the first of a trinity of three excellent vintages. |
triple | Hit a triple. Two whiskies triples please. |
twice | Two times. The earl married twice. |
twofold | So as to double; to twice the number or amount. The twofold demands of the business and motherhood. |
unrivaled | Eminent beyond or above comparison. Unrivaled mastery of her art. |
weekly | A periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year. Interviews were given weekly. |