ONOMATOPOEIA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ONOMATOPOEIA?

Need another word that means the same as “onomatopoeia”? Find 30 related words for “onomatopoeia” in this overview.

Associations of "Onomatopoeia" (30 Words)

accentPut stress on utter with an accent.
The accent is on participation.
alliterationThe occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
Alliterations are clustered in the last few lines.
assonanceResemblance of sound between syllables of nearby words, arising particularly from the rhyming of two or more stressed vowels, but not consonants (e.g. sonnet, porridge), but also from the use of identical consonants with different vowels (e.g. killed, cold, culled.
Alliterative assonances such as fail and fall are very common in Old English poetry.
audibleAble to be heard.
Some ultrasound is audible to dogs.
audioA recording of acoustic signals.
They always raise the audio for commercials.
bangLeap jerk bang.
She was banging around the kitchen.
bellEach of the eight half hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship s bell eight bells signals 4 00 8 00 or 12 00 o clock either a m or p m.
A flower with small pale blue bells.
crackleHaving the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks as in crackleware.
The fire suddenly crackled and spat sparks.
dictionThe manner in which something is expressed in words.
Wordsworth campaigned against exaggerated poetic diction.
dingGo ding dong like a bell.
Cash registers were dinging softly.
dubbingMaterial used for the bodies of artificial fishing flies, especially fur or wool on waxed silk.
echoRing or echo with sound.
The flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client s still life.
hearExamine or hear evidence or a case by judicial process.
We must hear the expert before we make a decision.
hearingThe act of hearing attentively.
I think I had a fair hearing.
hissExpress or utter with a hiss.
He was hissed off the stage.
homophonicCharacterized by the movement of accompanying parts in the same rhythm as the melody.
impersonatePretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions.
It s a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer.
jingleA light ringing sound such as that made by metal objects being shaken together.
He makes up advertising jingles.
languageCoarse or offensive language.
He taught foreign languages.
lexiconThe vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
A Greek Latin lexicon.
loudUsed chiefly as a direction or description in music loud with force.
A man in a loud checked suit.
phoneticRelating to phonetics.
A phonetic alphabet.
pingHit with a pinging noise.
The car pinged when I put in low octane gasoline.
pronunciationThe way a word or a language is customarily spoken.
Similar pronunciations are heard in Ulster.
rhymeOf a poem or song be composed in rhyme.
Hat and cat rhyme.
soundMeasure the depth of a body of water with a sounding line.
He has a sound understanding of the law.
tapMake light repeated taps on a surface.
Tap a source of money.
vocabularyA range of artistic or stylistic forms, techniques, or movements.
He introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques.
vocalUsed in the production of speech sounds.
Non linguistic vocal effects like laughs and sobs.
wordThe divine word of God the second person in the Trinity incarnate in Jesus.
Someone gave me the word to start playing.

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