Need another word that means the same as “opportunistic”? Find 11 synonyms for “opportunistic” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Opportunistic” are: opportunist, timeserving, egocentric, egotistic, egotistical, self-centred, self-absorbed, self-seeking, self-serving, introverted, self-loving
Opportunistic as an Adjective
Definitions of "Opportunistic" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “opportunistic” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit.
- (of a plant or animal) able to spread quickly in a previously unexploited habitat.
- Exploiting immediate opportunities, especially regardless of planning or principle.
- (of a microorganism or an infection caused by it) affecting patients only or chiefly when the immune system is depressed.

Synonyms of "Opportunistic" as an adjective (11 Words)
egocentric | Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centred. Egocentric spatial perception. |
egotistic | Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. An egotistical disregard of others. |
egotistical | Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. He s selfish egotistical and arrogant. |
introverted | (of an organ or other body part) turned or pushed inward on itself. |
opportunist | Opportunistic. The calculating and opportunist politician. |
self-absorbed | Absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc. |
self-centred | Limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs. |
self-loving | Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance. |
self-seeking | Interested only in yourself. |
self-serving | Interested only in yourself. |
timeserving | Taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit. |

Usage Examples of "Opportunistic" as an adjective
- An opportunistic political lightweight.
- Opportunistic populations colonizing new substrates.