OPPOSITE OF SUBORDINATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OPPOSITE OF SUBORDINATE?

Need another word that means the same as “opposite of subordinate”? Find 30 related words for “opposite of subordinate” in this overview.

Associations of "Opposite of subordinate" (30 Words)

adverselyIn an adverse manner.
His self confidence was adversely affected for years to come.
antithesisA person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
Figures of speech such as antithesis.
antitheticSharply contrasted in character or purpose.
Practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs.
antitheticalDirectly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.
Practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs.
backward(of a fielding position) behind an imaginary line passing through the stumps at the batsman’s end at right angles to the wicket.
It s easy to get the i and the e backward in words like seize and siege.
conflictingIncompatible or at variance; contradictory.
Conflicting opinions.
contradictoryA contradictory proposition.
Politically he exhibited contradictory behaviour.
contrarilyContrary to expectations.
contraryA contrary proposition.
Public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty.
converseTurned about in order or relation.
It will be difficult in these converses not to talk of secular matter.
counterpartA person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another.
The minister held talks with his French counterpart.
diametricalRelated to or along a diameter.
He s the diametrical opposite of Gabriel.
headfirstWith the head foremost.
A headfirst plunge down the stairs.
inverseOpposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity.
The age of such a universe is simply the inverse of the Hubble constant.
inversionA transformation in which each point of a given figure is replaced by another point on the same straight line from a fixed point especially in such a way that the product of the distances of the two points from the centre of inversion is constant.
The inversion of the normal domestic arrangement.
locativeThe locative case.
negationA proposition whose assertion specifically denies the truth of another proposition.
The negation of A is briefly not A.
opponentCharacterized by active hostility.
He beat his opponent by a landslide margin.
opposingIn conflict or competition with someone or something.
On the opposing page there were two addresses.
otherFurther; additional.
The other side of the street.
oxymoronA figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).
paradoxicalSeemingly absurd or self-contradictory.
It is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking.
polarityThe property of having poles or being polar.
The magnetic field peaks in strength immediately after switching polarity.
refractiveCapable of changing the direction (of a light or sound wave.
The refractive characteristics of the eye.
retrogradeShow retrograde motion.
A retrograde flow.
reversalAn annulment of a judgement, sentence, or decree made by a lower court or authority.
The champions suffered a League reversal at Gloucester last month.
reverseThe design or inscription on the reverse of a coin or medal.
The address is given on the reverse of this leaflet.
revolutionizeFill with revolutionary ideas.
E mail revolutionized communication in academe.
turnaroundA space for vehicles to turn round in, especially one at the end of a driveway or dead-end street.
A seven day turnaround.
waywardDifficult to control or predict because of wilful or perverse behaviour.
Wayward behavior.

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