Need another word that means the same as “originality”? Find 22 synonyms and 30 related words for “originality” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Originality” are: initiative, resourcefulness, resource, imagination, imaginativeness, ingenuity, inventiveness, creativity, creativeness, innovativeness, innovation, novelty, newness, freshness, break with tradition, cleverness, daring, individuality, unusualness, unconventionality, uniqueness, distinctiveness
Originality as a Noun
Definitions of "Originality" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “originality” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The quality of being new and original (not derived from something else.
- The quality of being novel or unusual.
- The ability to think and act independently.
- The ability to think independently and creatively.

Synonyms of "Originality" as a noun (22 Words)
break with tradition | Some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity. |
cleverness | Intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty. The cleverness of her strategy. |
creativeness | The ability to create. |
creativity | The ability to create. Firms are keen to encourage creativity. |
daring | Adventurous courage. The daring of the players brings fortune or ruin. |
distinctiveness | Utter dissimilarity. Communities are keen to maintain cultural distinctiveness. |
freshness | The property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made); not stale or deteriorated. He has the enthusiasm and freshness of youth. |
imagination | The ability to form mental images of things or events. A girl who existed only in my imagination. |
imaginativeness | The formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses. |
individuality | The quality of being individual. Anything but individuality anything but aloneness. |
ingenuity | The quality of being clever, original, and inventive. The ingenuity of Haydn s scoring. |
initiative | Readiness to embark on bold new ventures. A Middle East peace initiative. |
innovation | The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new. Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization. |
innovativeness | Originality by virtue of introducing new ideas. |
inventiveness | The quality of being inventive; creativity. His comic inventiveness. |
newness | The quality of being new or original. The shiny newness of the giant conference centre. |
novelty | A small inexpensive mass-produced article. The novelty of being a married woman wore off. |
resource | The ability to find clever ways to overcome difficulties resourcefulness. Japan s exploitation of commercially important marine resources. |
resourcefulness | The ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. A man of great resourcefulness. |
unconventionality | Originality by virtue of being unconventional. |
uniqueness | The quality of being the only one of its kind. The actors bring creativity and uniqueness to their characters. |
unusualness | Uncommonness by virtue of being unusual. |

Usage Examples of "Originality" as a noun
- He congratulated her on the originality of her costume.
- She's a writer of great originality.

Associations of "Originality" (30 Words)
artistry | A superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation. The artistry of the pianist. |
conception | The event that occurred at the beginning of something. Reconstructing Bach s original conceptions. |
craft | An aircraft or spaceship. A carefully crafted peace process. |
creation | The event that occurred at the beginning of something. Creation of a coalition government. |
creative | A person whose job involves creative work. Change unleashes people s creative energy. |
creatively | In a creative manner. This article inspires you to think creatively. |
creativeness | The ability to create. |
creativity | The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness. Firms are keen to encourage creativity. |
figment | A contrived or fantastic idea. It really was Ross and not a figment of her overheated imagination. |
freshly | Very recently. Freshly ground black pepper. |
freshness | Originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel. He has the enthusiasm and freshness of youth. |
groundbreaking | Innovative; pioneering. Groundbreaking research into fertility problems. |
idea | A mental impression. Nineteenth century ideas about drinking. |
imagination | The ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful. She was set in her ways and lacked imagination. |
imaginative | Marked by independence and creativity in thought or action- Lewis Mumford. An imaginative use of material. |
ingenious | (of a machine or idea) cleverly and originally devised and well suited to its purpose. He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget. |
ingenuity | The quality of being clever, original, and inventive. The ingenuity of Haydn s scoring. |
innovation | The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new. Technological innovations designed to save energy. |
innovative | Ahead of the times. Is British industry innovative enough. |
invention | The act of inventing. You know my story is an invention. |
inventive | (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action. A courageous and inventive piece of film making. |
knickknack | Miscellaneous curios. |
make | Make by shaping or bringing together constituents. Make one s way into the forest. |
marvel | Something that causes feelings of wonder. She marvelled at Jeffrey s composure. |
new | Beginning anew and in a transformed way. A new friend. |
novelty | Originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel. The novelty of being a married woman wore off. |
reformer | An apparatus that reforms the molecular structure of hydrocarbons to produce richer fuel. A radical social reformer. |
refreshing | Welcome or stimulating because new or different. Her directness is refreshing. |
smart | Quick; brisk. The smart of the recent cuts. |
talent | A former weight and unit of currency, used especially by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Most Saturday nights I have this urge to go on the hunt for new talent. |