OUT OF SERVICE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OUT OF SERVICE?

Need another word that means the same as “out of service”? Find 30 related words for “out of service” in this overview.

Associations of "Out of service" (30 Words)

accommodateProvide with something desired or needed.
Any language must accommodate new concepts.
appointmentLaw the act of disposing of property by virtue of the power of appointment.
He applied for an appointment in the treasury.
babysittingThe care of a child or children while the parents are out.
I used to do a lot of free babysitting.
bookingAn instance of a player being cautioned by the referee for foul play.
Early booking is essential.
buyoutAcquisition of a company by purchasing a controlling percentage of its stock.
caterSupply food ready to eat; for parties and banquets.
My mother helped to cater for the party.
choreA specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee.
He sees interviews as a chore.
cleaningThe action of making something clean, especially the inside of a house.
He gave his shoes a good cleaning.
clientA program that is capable of obtaining a service provided by another program.
Friendly client programs like this enable you to perform complicated actions in just a mouse press or two.
customerA person of a specified kind with whom one has to deal.
He s a tough customer.
dedicateCeremonially assign (a church or other building) to a deity or saint.
Volume four is dedicated to wasps.
deliverBring to a destination make a delivery.
The products should be delivered on time.
departLeave, especially in order to start a journey.
The train departs at noon.
hostessA stewardess on an aircraft, train, etc.
The perfect dinner party hostess.
housekeepingThe work of cleaning and running a house.
Housekeeping genes.
lodgingThe act of lodging.
A fee for board and lodging.
menialA person with a menial job.
Menial factory jobs.
offeringThe verbal act of offering.
Noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds.
overhaulPeriodic maintenance on a car or machine.
You should overhaul your car engine.
provideMake a possibility or provide opportunity for permit to be attainable or cause to remain.
The Bill provides for the setting of guaranteed service standards.
reservationAn unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly.
The retention of a right to enter the demised property will be a reservation.
reserveA district that is reserved for particular purpose.
The editor reserves the right to edit letters.
restaurantA building where people go to eat.
sacrificePersonnel that are sacrificed e g surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective.
The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment.
scullionA kitchen servant employed to do menial tasks (especially washing.
stockpileAccumulate a large stock of (goods or materials.
A stockpile of sandbags was being prepared.
stopoverA stopping place on a journey.
They made a stopover to visit their friends.
supplementServe as a supplement to.
The single room supplement is 2 per night.
supplierSomeone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity.
The company has to pay suppliers within 90 days of purchase.
votiveOffered or consecrated in fulfilment of a vow.
Votive prayers.

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