Need another word that means the same as “outdated”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “outdated” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Outdated” are: superannuated, old-fashioned, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, unfashionable, out of style, dated, out, outworn, old, former, musty, old-time, old-world, behind the times, behindhand, past, bygone, archaic, obsolescent, obsolete, ancient, antiquated, defunct, medieval, prehistoric, antediluvian, quaint, anachronistic, crusted, feudal, fusty, moth-eaten, olde worlde
Outdated as an Adjective
Definitions of "Outdated" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “outdated” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Out of date; obsolete.
- Old; no longer valid or fashionable.

Synonyms of "Outdated" as an adjective (35 Words)
anachronistic | Chronologically misplaced. English public schools are anachronistic. |
ancient | Showing or feeling signs of age or wear. Ancient history. |
antediluvian | Ridiculously old-fashioned. Gigantic bones of antediluvian animals. |
antiquated | Old-fashioned or outdated. This antiquated central heating system. |
archaic | (of a word or a style of language) no longer in everyday use but sometimes used to impart an old-fashioned flavour. A term with a rather archaic ring to it. |
behind the times | Having the lower score or lagging position in a contest. |
behindhand | Late or slow in doing something. You are miserably behindhand Mr Cole gave me a hint of it six weeks ago. |
bygone | Well in the past; former. Bygone days. |
crusted | Having or forming a hard outer layer. A crusted establishment figure. |
dated | Marked with a date. A signed and dated painting. |
defunct | No longer in force or use; inactive. A defunct Indian tribe. |
feudal | Of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism. His view of patriotism was more than old fashioned it was positively feudal. |
former | Having previously been a particular thing. The seafarers of former times. |
fusty | Old-fashioned and out of date. The fusty odour of decay. |
medieval | Resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive. A medieval castle. |
moth-eaten | Showing signs of wear and tear. |
musty | Having a stale taste. The beer tasted sour thin and musty. |
obsolescent | Becoming obsolete. Obsolescent equipment. |
obsolete | No longer in use. Obsolete words. |
old | Very familiar used for emphasis old adj skilled through long experience. He was fourteen years old. |
old-fashioned | Out of fashion. |
old-time | Attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic. |
old-world | Characteristic of former times especially in Europe. |
olde worlde | Attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic. |
out | Being out or having grown cold. That style is out these days. |
out of date | Outer or outlying. |
out of fashion | Knocked unconscious by a heavy blow. |
out of style | Out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election. |
outmoded | Old-fashioned. An outmoded Victorian building. |
outworn | Out of date. Outworn prejudices. |
past | (of a tense) expressing an action that has happened or a state that previously existed. This past Thursday. |
prehistoric | Of or relating to times before written history. Prehistoric peoples. |
quaint | Attractively unusual or old-fashioned. Quaint dialect words. |
superannuated | Outdated or obsolete through age or new developments. He left the house for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders. |
unfashionable | Unpopular and considered unappealing or unfashionable at the time. They lived in an unfashionable part of London. |

Usage Examples of "Outdated" as an adjective
- Outdated equipment.

Associations of "Outdated" (30 Words)
anachronistic | Chronologically misplaced. She is rebelling against the anachronistic morality of her parents. |
ancient | A person who lived in ancient times. The ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. |
antediluvian | Of or relating to the period before the biblical flood. Gigantic bones of antediluvian animals. |
antiquated | So extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period. This antiquated central heating system. |
antique | Give an antique appearance to. A suit of rather antique appearance. |
antiquity | The ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages. A church of great antiquity. |
archaic | So extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period. The archaic temple at Corinth. |
decrepitude | The state of being decrepit. He had passed directly from middle age into decrepitude. |
diehard | One who adheres to traditional views. A diehard Yankees fan. |
dilapidated | (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect. The tank was now rather dilapidated. |
elder | A person who is older than one by a specified length of time. He left the Church of which he had been an elder. |
elderly | (of a machine or similar object) showing signs of age. Specialist services for the elderly. |
historical | Having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary. Actual historical events. |
hyperborean | One of a people that the ancient Greeks believed lived in a warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind. |
immemorial | Originating in the distant past; very old. An immemorial custom. |
moot | A regular gathering of people having a common interest. The whole matter is becoming increasingly moot. |
obsolescent | Becoming obsolete. Obsolescent equipment. |
obsolete | Cause a product or idea to become obsolete by replacing it with something new. The phrase was obsolete after 1625. |
old | Very familiar used for emphasis old adj skilled through long experience. Good old boy. |
ossified | Set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs. An ossified bureaucratic system. |
paleolithic | Of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age (following the eolithic. Paleolithic artifacts. |
prehistory | The events or conditions leading up to a particular occurrence or phenomenon. Myths that stretch back into prehistory. |
primeval | (of emotion or behaviour) strongly instinctive and unreasoning. Mile after mile of primeval forest. |
ramshackle | (especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair. A ramshackle cottage. |
rickety | (of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse. A rickety table. |
ruined | Having been irreparably damaged or harmed. The nation s ruined economy. |
stodgy | Out of fashion; old fashioned. Why is the middle class so stodgy so utterly without a sense of humor. |
stuffy | Lacking fresh air. A stuffy overcrowded office. |
superannuated | Too old to be useful- Anthony Trollope. She is not superannuated and has no paid holiday. |
traditional | (of jazz) in the style of the early 20th century. The traditional festivities of the Church year. |