OVERSEEING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OVERSEEING?

Need another word that means the same as “overseeing”? Find 30 related words for “overseeing” in this overview.

Associations of "Overseeing" (30 Words)

auditConduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts.
He made use of the knowledge gleaned from economics classes he audited.
checkHold back as of a danger or an enemy check the expansion or influence of.
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check.
constableEnglish landscape painter (1776-1837.
controllerA person or thing that directs or regulates something.
The regional controller for the Department of Education.
directorMember of a board of directors.
The sales director.
examinerA person who sets and marks exams to test people’s knowledge or proficiency.
Exams are marked by external examiners.
foremanA man who is foreperson of a jury.
If you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman.
inspectLook at (someone or something) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings.
Customs officers came aboard to inspect our documents.
inspectorA police officer ranking below a chief inspector.
A prison inspector.
keypadA miniature keyboard or set of buttons for operating a portable electronic device, telephone, or other equipment.
monitorDisplay produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor.
Equipment was installed to monitor air quality.
overseerA person who directs and manages an organization.
patrolMaintain the security of by carrying out a patrol.
There were two schools but no crossing patrol.
proctorInvigilate (an examination.
18 of the faculty reported that graduate assistants frequently proctored exams.
reconnaissancePreliminary surveying or research.
Conducting client reconnaissance.
screenSeparate something from something else with or as if with a screen.
Services offered by the centre include a health screen for people who have just joined the company.
scrutinizeExamine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
He scrutinized his likeness in the mirror.
sentinelA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
A sentinel surveillance programme for influenza.
sentryA person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event.
Two men stood sentry on the door every evening.
sheriff(in Scotland) a judge.
superintendWatch and direct.
He superintended a land reclamation scheme.
superintendenceThe management or arrangement of an activity or organization; supervision.
Under his vigilant superintendence a building was erected.
superviseObserve and direct the execution of (a task or activity.
The sergeant left to supervise the loading of the lorries.
supervisionManagement by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group.
He was placed under the supervision of a probation officer.
supervisoryHaving or relating to the role of observing and directing an activity or a person.
The women play a largely supervisory role in the process.
surveillanceClose observation of a person or group (usually by the police.
He found himself put under surveillance by British military intelligence.
vigilantCarefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger.
The vigilant eye of the town watch.
watchSee or watch.
He told me my telephones were tapped and that I was being watched.
watchdogA person or group that monitors the practices of companies providing a particular service or utility.
How can we watchdog our investments.
watchmanA guard who keeps watch.
A night watchman.

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