Adverbs of Frequency

The most common adverbs of frequency are ‘never’, ‘hardly ever’, ‘seldom’, ‘sometimes’, ‘often’, usually’, etc. They tell us how often something happens.

TAPE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TAPE?

The synonyms and related words of “Tape” are: tape measure, tapeline, tape recording, taping, mag tape, band, strip, strap, belt, binding, string, ribbon, stripe, braid, adhesive tape, masking tape, parcel tape, finishing line, finishing post, end point, recording, cassette, record, videotape, make a recording of, video, put on cassette, put on tape, put on video, bind, tie, fasten, stick, seal, secure, fix, join, attach, tether, cordon and 31 more.

SURPASS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SURPASS?

The synonyms and related words of “Surpass” are: go by, go past, pass, pass by, travel by, exceed, transcend, excel, stand out, outdo, outgo, outmatch, outperform, outstrip, surmount, be better than, be superior to, be greater than, overreach, overstep, overcome, overtake, transgress, outwit, outrun, outdistance, rushing, outpace, conquer, over, beat, subdue, defeat, simplistic, antagonist, cheetah, compete, precede, haste, transcendent and 1 more.

STONE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STONE?

The synonyms and related words of “Stone” are: edward durell stone, harlan fiske stone, rock, i. f. stone, isidor feinstein stone, gem, gemstone, lucy stone, endocarp, pit, oliver stone, harlan f. stone, harlan fisk stone, harlan stone, pebble, boulder, gravestone, headstone, tombstone, jewel, semi-precious stone, brilliant, kernel, seed, pip, fawn, pale brown, buff, sand, sandy, oatmeal, biscuit, coffee, café au lait, camel, kasha, ecru, taupe, mushroom, putty and 30 more.

SLIDE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SLIDE?

The synonyms and related words of “Slide” are: skid, slew, slip, slue, slither, glide, move smoothly, skim, skate, glissade, coast, plane, trickle, run, flow, pour, stream, course, spill, creep, steal, slink, tiptoe, sidle, ease, edge, sink, fall, drop, descend, swoop, chute, slideway, sloping trough, playground slide, lantern slide, microscope slide, water slide, flume, log flume and 34 more.

SESSION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SESSION?

The synonyms and related words of “Session” are: seance, sitting, academic session, academic term, school term, meeting, assembly, conclave, plenary, academic year, school year, period, time, spell, stretch, bout, drinking bout, binge, transitory, succinctness, brief, interlude, pithiness, terse, abbreviated, truncate, overview, transient, succinct, moment, debrief, abbreviation, glance, layover, glimpse, stopover, abbreviate, concise, snapshot, uninformative and 6 more.