BAPTISM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BAPTISM?

The synonyms and related words of “Baptism” are: christening, naming, immersion, sprinkling, initiation, debut, introduction, inauguration, launch, beginning, rite of passage, sacrament, rite, christen, mormon, salvation, church, holy, religious, liturgy, ordination, pilgrimage, faith, sacred, proselyte, priest, christianity, ecclesiastic, godly, saint, saintly, pious, congregation, synod, deist, martyrdom, shrine, clergy, devout, blessed and 1 more.

BANKRUPTCY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BANKRUPTCY?

The synonyms and related words of “Bankruptcy” are: failure, insolvency, liquidation, ruin, ruination, debt, indebtedness, creditor, debtor, owe, fiduciary, account, trustee, repay, bookkeeping, bankrupt, catastrophic, borrow, finance, insolvent, recession, stockholder, fund, assignee, cash, amortize, inoperative, accounting, ruinous, disastrous, beholden, elimination, installment

BALLAST: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BALLAST?

The synonyms and related words of “Ballast” are: ballast resistor, barretter, light ballast, counterbalance, equipoise, counterweight, stabilizer, compensation, recompense, makeweight, counterpoise, balance, hull, tank, husk, bulkhead, dock, shell, compartment, gallon, bivalve, volume, deck, gunner, artillery, capacity, casing, bombardier, ship, quart, bucket, missile, outermost, carapace, pail, peel, battalion, cuticle, clam, oyster and 2 more.

BAIL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BAIL?

The synonyms and related words of “Bail” are: bail bond, bond, surety, security, collateral, assurance, indemnity, indemnification, hostage, guarantor, ransom, jail, loan, lender, kidnapping, kidnap, crisis, fine, rescue, abduct, agent, extort, money, amortize, hijacker, snatch, funding, renter, repayment, warden, robbery, amnesty, paying, imprison, arrest, owe

BADINAGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BADINAGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Badinage” are: banter, repartee, raillery, wit, crosstalk, wordplay, swordplay, cut and thrust, joke, witty, jocular, jocose, witticism, laugh, jest, fun, slapstick, comedy, humor, rebus, humorous, droll, jesting, buffoonery, amusing, humour, jolly, recreation, funny, amusement, hilarious, farce, waggish, entertaining, jape, comical

BADE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BADE?

The synonyms and related words of “Bade” are: exorbitant, starting, wish, auctioneer, absentee, absenteeism, usurious, immoderate, conscienceless, point, excessive, weariness, morale, unconscionable, afresh, attendance, consumerism, covet, anew, inordinate, expensive, longing, grasping, envious, greed, hope, request, command, want, covetous